New York Daily News

Castro ends presidenti­al bid


Julian Castro, the only Latino in the race for the White House, has ended his presidenti­al bid.

The fiery Texas Democrat told supporters in a video that he no longer had a viable path to the nomination as campaign funds dried up.

“It’s with a heavy heart and with profound gratitude, that I will suspend my campaign for president,” Castro, 45, said.

Castro said he was proud to have pushed the crowded field into more progressiv­e stands on issues like immigratio­n and poverty.

“We’ve stood up for the most vulnerable people, and given a voice to those who are often forgotten,” Castro said.

Castro joins a string of Democrats to drop out of the still-crowded field as the firstin-the-nation Iowa caucuses loom.

The eloquent former housing secretary for President Obama won plaudits for his debate performanc­es but never won significan­t polling or fundraisin­g success.

With Castro and Sen. Kamala Harris now out of the race, Sen. Cory Booker is the only candidate left who is black or Latino.

“Your voice and campaign were invaluable in sticking up for underrepre­sented communitie­s,” Booker wrote in a message about Castro’s departure on Twitter.

The move leaves the top tier of candidates all white, with maverick Andrew Yang and Rep. Tulsi Gabbard the only people of color with any significan­t support.

Like Harris, Castro is considered an effective campaigner who could be a strong contender as a vice presidenti­al candidate on the Democratic ticket.

Castro ended his message with a nod to the diversity of the party by insisting in Spanish that “We will win one day!”

“To all who have been inspired by our campaign, especially our young people, keep reaching for your dreams,” he said. “And keep fighting for what you believe in. ¡Ganaremos un día!”

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