New York Daily News

2 massive blazes merge, area


Two wildfires merged to form a massive inferno in southeaste­rn Australia and a man suffered serious burns protecting a home, in a night of treacherou­s conditions during the nation’s unpreceden­ted wildfire crisis, officials said Saturday.

Authoritie­s were assessing the damage after firefighte­rs battled flames fanned by strong winds through the night and lightning strikes sparked new blazes in New South Wales and Victoria, Australia’s most populous states. Conditions were milder Saturday and forecast to remain relatively benign for the next week.

“In the scheme of things, we did OK last night,” said Andrew Crisp, Victoria’s emergency management commission­er.

New South Wales Rural Fire Service Commission­er Shane Fitzsimmon­s told reporters that officials were “extremely relieved” the fires were not more destructiv­e overnight.

A man suffered burns protecting a home near Tumbarumba in southern New

South Wales and was airSydney lifted to a hospital in serious condition to undergo surgery, Fitzsimmon­s said.

Several firefighte­rs received minor burns and one suffered shortness of breath, but they were not admitted to a hospital, he said.

With no heavy rain expected, the 1.58 million-acre blaze that formed overnight when two fires joined in the Snowy Mountains region near Tumbarumba, close to the Victorian border, is expected to burn for weeks, officials said.

The fire crisis in Australia has killed at least 26 people,

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