New York Daily News

Blaz backs Bernie for president


If you can’t beat them, Bern them.

Mayor de Blasio — whose starry-eyed presidenti­al campaign fell apart five months ago — endorsed Bernie Sanders for the Democratic nomination Friday and plans to hit the stump for the left-wing lawmaker this weekend.

In a statement released by the Sanders campaign, de Blasio (right) praised the self-described democratic socialist as a “true progressiv­e leader” who will fight “for working New Yorkers and families across the country.”

“I am standing with Bernie because he stands with working families, and always has,” de Blasio said. “New Yorkers know all too well the damage caused by Donald Trump’s xenophobia, bigotry, and recklessne­ss, and Bernie is the candidate to take him on and take him down.”

Itching to get back on the campaign trail since dropping out of the 2020 race in September, de Blasio also announced he’s heading to Nevada this Sunday to join Sanders at a rally in Carson City ahead of the state’s caucuses on Feb. 22.

Sanders (left) gave de Blasio a pat on the back for the late endorsemen­t.

“Bill is a leading example of what bringing the Democratic Party together around so-called ‘radical ideas’ like universal pre-K, paid family and sick leave, and defending our immigrant neighbors can do for our country,” Sanders said.

De Blasio’s endorsemen­t comes only after Sanders has emerged as the Democratic primary race’s front-runner on the heels of winning the New Hampshire primary and placing first or second in the still-disputed Iowa caucuses.

The mayor’s endorsemen­t poses a sharp reversal from 2016 when he endorsed Hillary Clinton over Sanders.

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