New York Daily News

Supreme hypocrisy


In a strongly worded dissent last week, Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor criticized the conservati­ve majority’s decision to allow the Trump administra­tion’s new “public charge” rule to take effect. Sotomayor was concerned that the ruling was part of a recent trend in which, in her view, the high court is short-circuiting considerat­ion of complex issues working their way through the judiciary.

“Perhaps most troublingl­y,” she wrote, “the Court’s recent behavior on stay has benefited one litigant over all others”: the executive branch.

There is a lot of evidence to back that claim, none of which could ever penetrate the skull of the man in the Oval Office. From on high, he tweeted: “This is a terrible thing to say. Trying to ‘shame’ some into voting her way? She never criticized Justice Ginsberg when she called me a ‘faker.’ Both should recuse themselves…on all Trump, or Trump related, matters!”

If the hint of bias is bad for a justice, how is it that Trump identifies the late Antonin Scalia as the gold standard? Scalia never recused himself from immigratio­n rulings despite openly attacking the Obama administra­tion’s DACA policy.

Should Samuel Alito have sidelined himself after giving patently partisan speeches before conservati­ve legal organizati­ons?

As for Clarence Thomas, the stalwart of the conservati­ve wing, his spouse is an active political operative, who is reportedly helping purge administra­tion individual­s deemed insufficie­ntly loyal.

Lady Justice is blindfolde­d. Mr. President is blind.

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