New York Daily News

Forbearanc­e is unbearable for us


Lindenhurs­t, L.I.: Mr. Cuomo: Why did you lie? We, the middle class, depended on you. We counted on you and your word. We were told we’d get deferred payments for mortgages and all we got was more debt! Why? We are struggling as it is. Hear our plea! I am afraid! How could you do this to us? Your people? Forbearanc­e is not deferred! My tears as I write this will not pay for my mortgage, my cell phone bill, my electric bill, my car insurance, food etc. My family is suffering emotionall­y and financiall­y! We are crying for help!

I should not have to worry about foreclosur­e or how I am going to pay my mortgage because you closed New York City and jobs! You said there’d be less stress but I am more afraid than before. How will my family survive? How will I survive? You tell me! My husband needs to work for my family to survive. People cannot survive on unemployme­nt. This is not acceptable.

I put my children to sleep with the hope that they have no worries about having a safe, warm bed. I am not getting that from my mortgage company at this time in need. I fear for my family; do you? Kellie Watson

Pillars of the community

Chappaqua, N.Y.: Please understand that early childhood education and care workers provide an essential and vital role in supporting our communitie­s — not only do they support businesses and families in the best of times, they are currently supporting many essential workers in the midst of this COVID-19 crisis. Early childhood education staff — in all forms — provide comfort, care and peace of mind for many young children and they often work long hours for less than minimum wages. They are desperatel­y in need of financial support from the local, state and federal government in order to be able to continue to do their jobs.

Christie Noelle Krase

Not disposable

Bronx: I am a substitute teacher with the Department of Education. They want to fill up their Regional Enrichment Centers with us. We are poorly paid, receive no benefits, and have no pension plan. They want to set us up as sacrificia­l lambs.

Kathleen Hughes

Back to earth

East Hartford, Conn.: Voicers John and Petra Martineck wondered why the space program has not been suspended or eliminated in the wake of the coronaviru­s epidemic.

What space program? The only rockets being launched now are ones owned and developed by Elon Musk. NASA has been a shell of itself since the last space shuttle mission ended in 2011, Cape Canaveral is pretty much a museum destinatio­n these days, and any missions to the Internatio­nal Space Station require the U.S. to hitch a ride with Russia. And the scientists who worked for NASA are either retired or have no experience with viruses, so what good would they be at this time?

Jim Miller

Count yourself

Long Beach, L.I: With the 2020 Census now underway, it’s critical that all New Yorkers respond as soon as possible. Now more than ever. It only takes 10 minutes to answer 10 questions by telephone or over the internet. While Congress may have to consider delays in completing the count due to the current health pandemic, there’s no guarantee it will take action. The Census Bureau has already extended the self response deadline to Aug. 14. Too much is at stake to wait.

Jeffrey M. Wice

The letter

Flushing: My young son experience­d a seizure and collapsed on the street. An ambulance transporte­d him to the emergency room. We just received the bill. We are responsibl­e for $2,607.09, the amount not covered by insurance. I would love to hear from the hospital so they can explain to me how an ambulance ride cost more than the treatment my son received. I called their office and was told to “write a letter.” So here it is. In this difficult time when we are experienci­ng a global pandemic, how many people are going to avoid seeking medical attention because they are terrified of the cost? Jennifer Gillen

Three cheers for Mike!

Staten Island: New York City has ground to a halt, and yet we still have had the Daily News delivered to us every morning by our carrier Mike! Bravo Mike! Thank you so much. Les Strauss

Carpe diem

Whitestone: As horrible as the coronaviru­s is, there is one benefit (not a silver lining): It will get Americans out of the sickening complacenc­y that is literally suffocatin­g our nation. The super-expensive cars people buy when they really can’t afford them, the intensive family and financial planning when trying to get a kid into an Ivy League school, the cowardly and super conservati­ve way of life of many Americans who take no chances and try to plan their futures and their kids’ futures down to the last detail. The coronaviru­s message might just be: “Get a life — while you are still alive.”

Michael J. Gorman

Campaign swag

Edison, N.J.: Maybe if our orange toddler wanted some more good press he could come our way and throw us some paper towels and toilet tissue. It went over really grand in Puerto Rico.

Thomas Morrison

Too fast, too furious

Brooklyn: To those inconsider­ate moron drivers who are taking advantage of the almost empty streets during this ordeal by going through stop signs, red lights and speeding to get an extra container of milk or loaf of bread: Slow down and obey traffic rules! The life you save may be your own, your family, or the life of a respectful innocent driver. Anthony A. Vento

Helpless and hopeless

Bronx: The mayor announced on Sunday, March 22, that we are going to start running out of essential supplies in a

week. What kind of elected official warns his citizens of a potential emergency without grabbing the mantle of leadership to show us the solution? A mediocre one.

Gene Roman

Bring back up

Clifton, N.J.: If you’re under fire, and had to choose someone to be in that foxhole with you, is it Andrew Cuomo and Donald Trump? Dan Swaluk


Rockaway Beach: While talking to a cashier in Family Dollar, she told me that one customer told her she’s selling the toilet paper she buys for $2 a roll in her building. Same thing after Hurricane Sandy, people hoarding all the free supplies that were given out, then ripping off their neighbors. Gotta love ‘em!

Barbara Yahle

Phil’s Antics


Hillsdale, N.Y.: I guess one advantage of having coronaviru­s is distancing yourself from your wife. I told mine to keep at least 60 feet away from me, and to remain at that safe distance at least until the end of 2020. Thank you, China. Phil Antico

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