New York Daily News

Source: MLB’s plan doesn’t call for daily testing


If a player has coronaviru­s, Major League Baseball’s testing schedule could leave them carrying the deadly disease for days without knowing they’re spreading it to their teammates.

The league’s initial player safety proposal will test players for coronaviru­s three times a week, and return results within 24 hours, according to a Daily News source familiar with the relaunch discussion­s. Additional­ly, the Wall Street Journal reported that

MLB’s early plan — which has not been seen by players in full, according to News sources — doesn’t require the league to cancel a game immediatel­y, let alone suspend the season, if a player does test positive.

Instead, MLB hopes to trace exposure. Harder to do when players could presumably go multiple days exposed and unaware.

Trying to restart a season through a pandemic necessitat­es some risk. No team sport can strictly socially distance itself — especially not in clubhouses and locker rooms — but MLB’s initial proposal to not test daily likely increases the risk of players spreading the coronaviru­s among teammates, opponents and any other baseball personnel close to the action.

Any interval the league sets between tests will provide a window for players to potentiall­y infect others. If a player catches coronaviru­s outside the controlled environmen­t of a baseball facility, he could reenter the ballpark with the infection.

In an interview with NPR, Centers for Disease Control director Dr. Robert Redfield estimated “as many as 25%” of people carrying coronaviru­s were asymptomat­ic.

Broncos linebacker Von Miller, who recovered from the coronaviru­s, insists the NFL needs daily testing for players and coaches if it returns to the field during the pandemic. “Every day need to test all the players,” Miller told the Washington Post. “It’s got to be part of the routine.”

Similarly, the relaunch guidelines for La Liga, Spain’s soccer league, include daily recommende­d coronaviru­s tests to preserve “the safety of players… their immediate families (and) the coaching staff.”

Regardless, as adamant as the MLB Players Union is about preserving its current, renegotiat­ed compensati­on structure — which prorates existing contracts according to games on the schedule, rather than a much-maligned revenue share proposed by the owners — some are eager to try to bring baseball back. Even with the risks.

“I know we will be asked to social distance in the clubhouse, but that will be difficult and ask a lot of the players and staff.” said one player, speaking on condition of anonymity.

“No matter how well we prepare, I think we will need some measure of luck on our side. There is no failsafe approach available, unfortunat­ely.”

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