New York Daily News

Elex fate is in mail for Engel, Maloney


New York Democrats Eliot Engel and Carolyn Maloney have cruised to reelection through most of their decades in Congress. Now, both must wait for mail-in ballots to be counted — a process that begins Wednesday — to learn whether they will serve an additional term.

Voting in New York’s primary election concluded June 23, but an unknown number of ballots have continued to trickle in by mail over the past week.

With potentiall­y as much as 50% of the vote being cast by mail this year because of coronaviru­s, absentee ballots could decide the primary election. Under state law, counting may begin Wednesday, but it could take several days to complete in some counties.

The most closely watched contest in New York is the one involving Engel, chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee.

Engel, who has been in Congress since 1989, was running well behind former middle school principal Jamaal Bowman in votes cast in person.

The Associated Press has not declared a winner in the race, but Bowman, a progressiv­e endorsed by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Sen. Bernie Sanders, declared victory the day after the primary in a district that includes parts of the Bronx and Westcheste­r County.

“From the very beginning, we anchored our campaign in the fight for racial and economic justice,” Bowman said in a prepared statement. “We spoke the truth — about the police, about systemic racism, about inequality — and it resonated in every part of the district.”

Engel cautioned at the time that any such declaratio­n “is premature and undermines the democratic process.”

Maloney, who is in her 14th term in Congress, was running just a few hundred votes ahead of her closest challenger, Suraj Patel.

Maloney said she expects her lead to grow when all the ballots are counted in the district that includes Manhattan’s Upper East Side, as well as waterfront neighborho­ods in Brooklyn and Queens that have been a hotbed of progressiv­e activism.

Patel, a 36-year-old lawyer, activist and lecturer on business ethics at New York University, also expressed confidence, saying many requests for absentee ballots came from younger voters whose support he expects to win.

“We’re in this race to ensure that the electorate is expanded, that every voice is heard, that every ballot is counted,” he said in a telephone interview.

“This is a change election,” he said. “Voters in droves rejected a failed status quo, and Carolyn Maloney with it.”

The race between Maloney and Patel is a rematch of the 2018 Democratic primary, a bruising contest that Maloney won, while one congressio­nal district over, Ocasio-Cortez (D-Queens, Bronx) was ousting U.S. Rep. Joseph Crowley.

Patel, who had to take a break from the campaign trail after he was infected with coronaviru­s, has sought to capitalize on some of the same forces that propelled Ocasio-Cortez to victory. The son of immigrants from India, he is young, progressiv­e and campaignin­g on the idea that Maloney hasn’t pushed hard enough for change in Washington.

 ?? AP ?? Rep. Carolyn Maloney is barely ahead of her challenger after in-person voting, while Rep. Eliot Engel (below) is trailing badly.
AP Rep. Carolyn Maloney is barely ahead of her challenger after in-person voting, while Rep. Eliot Engel (below) is trailing badly.
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