New York Daily News

WeWork hit as a ‘hostile’ place in suit


A crossbow-loving WeWork executive who boasted of his Mafia ties sexually harassed a colleague, part of a hostile work environmen­t that forced the woman into therapy before she was fired, a federal lawsuit charged Thursday.

The 38-page Manhattan Federal Court lawsuit accused WeWork and two of its male employees of creating a situation where plaintiff Alexandria Fitzgerald began visiting a psychother­apist once a week to combat the “anxiety and depression” spawned by only a few months on the job.

“WeWork did nothing to help her and everything to sweep Ms. Fitzgerald's concerns under the rug,” the lawsuit alleged. “Most troubling, WeWork failed to adequately discipline Ms. Fitzgerald's harasser … even after being provided with direct proof of his unlawful and inappropri­ate conduct.”

The New Jersey plaintiff said her problems with the Manhattan company began when she was sent to Kansas City on a business trip with co-defendant David Stiles, who often bragged about his home arsenal of knives, machetes and crossbows. While on the road, the married man sent Fitzgerald sexually suggestive texts and advised her over dinner to “have a bunch of one-night stands before you settle down,” according to court papers.

Fitzgerald also accused supervisor and co-defendant Danny Duong of demeaning her while making inappropri­ate comments about her mental health. She also alleged her firing “was retaliator­y for her previous complaints,” according to court papers.

“Defendants discrimina­ted against plaintiff based on her gender and disability … including, but not limited to, subjecting plaintiff to a hostile work environmen­t, sexual harassment and terminatin­g plaintiff's employment,” the lawsuit said.

WeWork issued a statement flatly denying the charges.

“Ms. Fitzgerald's legal claims have no merit,” said a WeWork spokesman.

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