New York Daily News

A nation of laws, after all


No, the U.S. Supreme Court did not hand out copies of Donald Trump’s still-secret tax returns yesterday, but seven of the jurists (including the “two great justices” he appointed) ruled that no one is above the law and a Manhattan grand jury can subpoena Trump’s financial records from his accountant and bank.

While we are loath to compare the current loathsome occupant of the White House with any of his far more honorable predecesso­rs, Chief Justice John Roberts wrote for the majority that just as Thomas Jefferson was not immune from the courts seeking informatio­n, neither is Trump.

That was obvious from the first minute that Trump sued Manhattan District Attorney Cy Vance to prevent the grand jury from probing Trump’s dirty dealings.

It was long settled that federal courts could compel disgorgeme­nt of documents from presidents. Now state courts have the same power. Trump can still resist the grand jury subpoena on the merits, but he’s unlikely to prevail.

However, for all the high court’s proper deference to the tradition of an independen­t judiciary, including grand juries, the justices were less eager to get involved in a fight between Congress and the White House, sending back a companion case of House committees trying to subpoena Trump’s papers. But here, too, Roberts rejected the executive’s most sweeping claims.

Vance will get the tax returns, eventually. The public will not. The only way forward on that front is for Albany to pass a law, publishing the state returns of all statewide officehold­ers. Do it now, before November.

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