New York Daily News

Expectant dad fatally shot on Upper West Side


action, even when crimes happens right in front of them.

An email to the NYPD about the video was not immediatel­y returned.

Vandals have scrawled the front of the Surrogate Court Building since protesters began occupying City Hall Park in late June, vowing to stay until the mayor defunds the NYPD.

During a handful of clashes with the NYPD at City Hall Park over the last few weeks, at least one protester has been arrested for making graffiti, officials said.

Despite his sketchy past, Nayquan Garden saw a bright future: Fatherhood, a growing bank account, maybe a house of his own.

The 29-year-old dad-to-be’s dreams died when he was gunned down early Thursday while headed out for a sandwich and soda.

He never returned to the family’s Upper West Side home.

“My son did not live by the gun. Why did he have to die by one?” his devastated mom, Dieosa Garden, asked hours later.

Dieosa Garden recalled the ominous feeling that swept over her around 3:15 a.m. as she took a cab back from a late dinner and passed the crime scene at W. 105th St. and Columbus Ave., two blocks from home.

Cops determined Garden had been shot on the grounds of the Frederick Douglass Houses, a block from where they found him mortally wounded. He was pronounced dead of a gunshot wound to his chest.

Garden was paroled from state prison in 2016 after doing five years for attempted robbery as a hate crime, assault and sale of a controlled substance, records show.

There were no immediate arrests.

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