New York Daily News

CALL IT LIKE YA SEE IT! Broadcaste­rs should make point of blasting players who break virus protocols


In their never-ending quest to make their telecasts seem normal, baseball’s TV voices are reluctant to hold players accountabl­e for violating on-field coronaviru­s protocols. Baseball is continuous­ly testing players, but does anyone really know when this mysterious coronaviru­s strikes? When and where it can be spread from one player to another? Is it happening on the field during game action?

Watching games on YES, SNY and national outlets like ESPN and Fox, there are a variety of instances where the virus could have been spread. We have repeatedly seen players high five in celebratio­n, engage in an old-fashion hug, spit, wipe mucus/snot from their noses with their jersey in close proximity to the catcher and home plate umpire.

Some players don’t wear masks in the dugout or on the field. There is other stuff; like a player pulling, what looked like, a protein bar out of his back pocket and taking a bite of it on his way to the batter’s box. And during Wednesday night’s Yankees-Orioles game, there was a close-up of mask-less teammates Gerrit Cole and Gary Sanchez in an animated dugout conversati­on. They were not nearly socially distanced. How many virus particles could have been put in play?

Maybe the broadcaste­rs don’t see these examples as violations. If that’s the case, they should say so. But if they do see something, they know violates the protocols (like spitting or chewing tobacco), the broadcaste­r should single out that player. They should also ask, out loud, why one of the umpires isn’t warning a player to stop spitting. Instead, what we usually hear is a Pity Party, a voice that reminds us how certain habits are hard for players to break.

Maybe the voices just don’t care what the cameras are revealing. After all, why shatter good vibrations about baseball being back? Better SNY and YES waste time showing live shots of their broadcaste­rs calling the games from Citi Field or Yankee Stadium, or some other remote location, while the Mets and Yankees play on the road. Better they give us more talk about piped in fake noise or cardboard fans.

On his ESPN-98.7 radio show, YES play-by-play voice Michael Kay said he wasn’t singling players out for violating coronaviru­s protocols because: “I don’t want to be a scold.

That’s not my job.” Some of the baseball TV producers we spoke with agreed with Kay. They said game broadcaste­rs should point out that “so and so is not wearing a mask” but should not be in the booth to “enforce” coronaviru­s protocols.

Sorry, but that doesn’t cut it here. These are incredibly unusual times. For safety sake it’s okay to be a scold. The broadcaste­rs would be helping the situation, providing a service to baseball, if they vociferous­ly called players out. The broadcaste­r’s harsh critiques would filter back to the offending players and get their attention. The criticism could pressure the players to finally hold themselves accountabl­e.

It’s time for the voices to turn up the heat. Before it’s too late.


With social justice issues being a big storyline in the NBA re-start, analysts, who are usually all about the game, are being given the freedom (at least they were Thursday night on TNT) to express themselves on these off-the-court issues.

Like Stan Van Gundy. Working with Ian (The Bird) Eagle (glad he didn’t treat JazzPelica­ns like Game 7 of the NBA Finals), SVG edited himself on the fly. In the space of one quarter of the tilt he went from saying the two teams took a knee during the national anthem to protest “police accountabi­lity” to saying they took a knee to protest “police brutality.”

Okay, which one is it? It’s all so confusing.

Not confusing at all was Charles Barkley’s comment following the anthem. Sir Charles was heading the next controvers­y off at the pass while making a lot of sense, saying: “If someone doesn’t want to kneel, they should not be vilified.”


Now that Tom Thibodeau has been hired as Knicks coach, his Gasbag detractors (especially those carrying Mark Jackson’s water) are already calling for him to change his coaching style, including not grinding his players so hard.

Their analysis makes no sense. Knicks prez Leon Rose/ James (Guitar Jimmy) Dolan, hired Thibodeau for what made him successful. Why should he now flush the blueprint down the toilet. The theory only makes sense to the same Gasbags who also wondered why Rose took so long to hire Thibodeau.

What was the rush? Thibodeau had a good answer for Gasbags who question and challenge elements of his coaching philosophy. “Go do your research,” he said.


The FanDroids are calling on four Gasbags — yes four — to fill-in for their high-octane, mid-day mouths Marc Malusis and Maggie Gray who will be on vacation next week.

Assigning four mouths to a shift (10 a.m.-2 p.m.) now filled by two, makes us wonder if FAN suits want the time to listen to talkies who could be in play for a shot at the afternoon-drive gig, currently held by Joe Benigno/ Evan Roberts, if a change is made by the end of the year.

Beginning Monday, Scream Machine John Jastremski will team with the excitable Brian Jones from 10-noon. They will be followed (from noon-2 p.m.) by CBS Sports Radio afternoon-drive mouths, Mr. Modesty, Brandon Tierney, and Tiki Barber. Tiki & Tierney will also do their regular CBSSR national show (3 p.m.-6 p.m.). Sources said T&T are getting paid to do the extra FAN shows.

Never say never, but it’s highly unlikely T&T would leave their national gig, simulcast on CBS Sports Network, to work a local shift permanentl­y. Unless, of course, they could continue doing the national gig — like they are doing this week.

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 ??  ?? In these surreal times, analysts need to call out players who break COVID-19 rules. GETTY
In these surreal times, analysts need to call out players who break COVID-19 rules. GETTY

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