Be indispensable at work
Most people think the key to being valued at the office is putting in long hours. In reality, the secret is working smarter, not harder.
In my experience at all levels within large and small organizations, the team members valued the most are the ones seen by others as indispensable or “go-to” people. The challenge we all face is how to be one of these without overworking — while still getting the right things done.
I’ve been trying for years to discover the key elements of this answer, and I was pleased to find some real help in a new book, “The Art of Being Indispensable at Work,” by Bruce Tulgan. He has been a longtime advisor to business leaders all over the world, so he brings a global perspective, as well as his own to this issue. Here are the key principles he observed, and I find them valuable, too.
1. Build real influence by doing the right thing for others.
You get influence by facilitating success in others around you, by always doing the right things, and by adding value to every opportunity. You know you have power when other people really want to do things for you, make good use of your time and contribute to your success.
A key prerequisite to influence is trust. For example, at the executive level, Warren Buffett is such a trusted business leader that Bill Gates and other luminaries constantly seek him out for help and guidance on projects that have long-term business potential.
2. Know when to say “no” and how to say “yes.”
Remember that “yes” is where all the action is — to add value and build up your real influence. But to be effective, every “yes” must be timely, and preceded by some due diligence and a focused execution plan in your mind on what and how to deliver. Learn when to say “no” (or “not yet”), with the same certainty.
A good “no,” well-decided at the right time, is a huge favor to everybody. No one wins if you simply cannot do the job, are not allowed to do it, or you really believe that the work requested is not a good business decision. This is where trust and honesty are critical.
3. Work smart by professionalizing everything you do.
Brute force doesn’t work in business. Professionalizing means following best practices in your field, capitalizing on repeatable solutions, and using available tools or job aids. In today’s ever-changing world, you must keep expanding your repertoire and build relationships with experts.
4. Don’t be a juggler and finish everything you start.
Constant jugglers and multitaskers will inevitably drop the ball. Take control of your time, break the work into bite-sized chunks, find openings in your schedule for each chunk, and keep your focus on results, rather than hours expended. Remember that “done” is better than “perfect.”
5. Keep getting better and better at working together.
Relationships are the key, but focus your relationship building on the “yes” work, not politicking or socializing. Celebrate successes with a big “thank-you,” and redirect potential finger-pointing into lessons for continuous improvement. Plan ahead for the next opportunity to work together better.
6. Promote collaboration throughout the organization.
In addition to being a “go-to” person, you need to create new “go-to” people out of every “yes,” as well as find and use “go-to” people yourself. Foster a culture where serving others is what being indispensable is all about. Other organizations will notice and emulate your lead.
In fact, the strategies outlined here are a win-win for both you and your organization. You get more recognition as an indispensable team member and leader, and the company gets more of the right things done, greater team productivity, and more success in the longer term.