New York Daily News

Hateful attack on pol’s Manhattan office


ALBANY — Hate-filled vandals left anti-Semitic messages for Assemblywo­man Rebecca Seawright after defacing the lawmaker’s Manhattan district office.

A staffer found the storefront windows of the Upper East Side office splashed with white paint and discovered a vulgar note early Tuesday morning.

“Rabbi pays ... Rebecca in cash and kind,” the obscene letter read.

Seawright, who hosted a virtual town hall on combating anti-Semitism just last month and held a similar forum last year after swastikas were found at the nearby nonprofit Asphalt Green fitness complex, said police are investigat­ing the vandalism.

“We will never be intimidate­d by this criminal act,” she said. “We have called for a hate crimes investigat­ion. We stand before you today to denounce this disgracefu­l and hateful crime. We will remain vigilant.”

Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie (D-Bronx) condemned the incident, noting that the government office was “defiled overnight with hate-filled and grotesque anti-Semitic language.”

“The Assembly majority has always been very clear that we have a zero-tolerance policy for any form of hate, including anti-Semitism,” Heastie said in a statement.

“We must ensure the safety of the staff that work in this office and the constituen­ts that utilize it for services.”

Seawright, a Democrat first elected in 2014, is currently fighting to retain her seat after missing the deadline to submit her candidacy for the June primary.

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