New York Daily News



As they struggle to salvage some semblance of a campus experience this fall, U.S. colleges are requiring promises from students to help contain the coronaviru­s — no keg parties, no long road trips and no outside guests on campus.

No kidding. Administra­tors warn that failure to wear masks, practice social distancing and avoid mass gatherings could bring serious consequenc­es, including getting booted from school.

Critics question whether it’s realistic to demand that college students not act like typical college students.

But the push illustrate­s the high stakes for universiti­es planning to welcome at least some students back. Widescale COVID-19 testing, quarantine­s and plexiglass barriers in classrooms won’t work if too many students misbehave.

“I think that the majority of students are going to be really respectful and wear their masks, social distance, keep gatherings small,” said incoming Tulane University senior Sanjali De Silva. “But I fear that there will be a distinct group of students that will decide not to do that. And it’ll be a big bummer.”

Tulane students have already received a stark warning from the school in New Orleans, an early pandemic hot spot. After a summer weekend of large gatherings, Dean of Students Erica Woodley wrote to students, stressing her key point in bold, capital letters.

“DO NOT HOST PARTIES OR GATHERINGS WITH MORE THAN 15 PEOPLE, INCLUDING THE HOST. IF YOU DO, YOU WILL FACE SUSPENSION OR EXPULSION FROM THE UNIVERSITY,” Woodley wrote, signing off with, “Do you really want to be the reason that Tulane and New Orleans have to shut down again?”

The emphasis on student behavior is part of a broader effort to create safe bubbles on campus even if the virus surges elsewhere. The University of Texas at Austin is not allowing parties on or off campus. In Massachuse­tts,

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