New York Daily News


Prez blasts Joe and son in Labor Day rant


President Trump lobbed playground insults at Joe Biden in a nakedly political speech from the White House on Monday, calling the Democratic nominee “stupid” and even berating his son.

Speaking behind a podium on the White House North Portico, Trump barely acknowledg­ed the fact that it was Labor Day and instead dedicated most of his freewheeli­ng, nearly hourlong remarks to harsh partisan attacks, as millions of American workers remained unemployed because of the coronaviru­s pandemic.

“Biden is a stupid person, you know that,” Trump told assembled reporters. “You’re not going to write it, but you know that.”

The president also dredged up his since-long debunked corruption accusation­s against Biden’s son over his work for a Ukrainian energy company.

“His son, where is Hunter? I call him ‘ Where is Hunter?’” Trump said. “You talk about quid pro quo, with me there was none. With him, he’s right there on tape, and you don’t want to cover it. You should be ashamed of yourselves. The press should be ashamed of themselves.”

Trump was impeached for trying to pressure Ukraine’s government into launching an investigat­ion of his baseless claims about Hunter Biden.

While Trump spent Labor Day taking potshots at Biden and his son, the ex-vice president marked the holiday by meeting with labor leaders in Lancaster, Pa.

Biden, who’s trouncing Trump in most polls with less than two months to go until Election Day, told the union members that, if he wins on Nov. 3, “You’re going to have the best friend labor has ever had in the White House.”

He also faulted Trump for not doing more to resolve deadlocked negotiatio­ns on Capitol Hill for another COVID-19 economic stimulus package.

“He has been spending too much time on the golf courses and the sand traps,” Biden sneered.

Asked at the White House why he hasn’t gotten more involved in the congressio­nal talks, Trump offered a quizzical response.

“I am taking the high road. I’m taking the high road by not seeing them,” Trump said of Democratic leaders.

Trump has attempted to paint recent stock market gains and modest improvemen­ts to the job market as proof that the U.S. economy is rebounding from the depths of this spring’s coronaviru­scaused collapse.

“No other president has done what I’ve done,” Trump said at the White House. “Biden wants to surrender our country to the virus. He wants to surrender our families to the violent left-wing mob, and he wants to surrender our jobs to China.”

Despite Trump’s rosy assessment, the U.S. economic recovery is far from complete.

Only about half of the 22 million jobs that vanished in the pandemic have been recovered, and public health experts fear another economic downturn could be on the horizon if the virus rebounds in the fall.

 ?? TNS ?? President Trump, speaking Monday at the White House, made little mention of Labor Day holiday while trashing Joe Biden and son Hunter.
TNS President Trump, speaking Monday at the White House, made little mention of Labor Day holiday while trashing Joe Biden and son Hunter.

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