New York Daily News


1,000 die in a day, but Trump claims plague is exaggerate­d


President Trump and his surrogates are entering the crucial final stretch of the campaign insisting that the pandemic is on the retreat, even as the virus wreaks renewed havoc across the country.

In a blitz of well-attended campaign rallies in Michigan, Wisconsin and Minnesota on Friday, Trump pressed the dubious case that the country is “rounding the corner” of the pandemic and even floated the baseless charge that the U.S. death toll — which now tops 229,000 — is somehow inflated.

“Our doctors get more money if someone dies from COVID. You know that, right? I mean, our doctors are very smart people,” Trump said in Waterford Township, Mich., drawing laughs from a large crowd of supporters. “What they do is they say, ‘ I’m sorry, but, you know, everybody dies of COVID’ ... With us, when in doubt, choose COVID.”

There’s no evidence that the U.S. death toll is overstated, and public health experts, including Dr. Anthony Fauci, have repeatedly debunked the idea as a conspiracy theory.

But that hasn’t stopped Trump and his allies.

Donald Trump Jr., the president’s oldest son, took the pandemic denialism a step further than his father on Thursday night.

“The number is almost nothing, because we’ve gotten control of this thing,” Junior said of the U.S. coronaviru­s death toll during an appearance on Fox News, in which he also called medical experts “morons” for warning of a second COVID-19 wave.

More than 1,000 Americans died from the virus on the same day Trump’s son made those remarks, and the total number of infections in the U.S. soared above 9 million.

Joe Biden, who retains a slight lead over Trump in nearly all national polls heading into the last weekend before Election Day, urged supporters Friday to ignore the “lies” from the president’s team.

“Unlike Donald Trump, we will not surrender to this virus,” Biden said during a socially-distanced drive-in rally in Des Moines, Iowa.

“Folks, only four days left,” he continued. “In the final days, please keep your sense of empowermen­t, keep your sense of optimism.”

The flurry of campaign activity comes as more than 80 million Americans have already voted early, either in person or by mail — an all-time record propelled by massive turnout among registered Democrats.

Beyond his advantage in national polls, Biden trumps the president in surveys of several key battlegrou­nds, including Wisconsin, a state Trump won by a razor-thin margin in 2016.

An ABC News/Washington Post poll released earlier this week put Biden a whopping 17% ahead of Trump in the Badger State.

Wisconsin has seen a particular­ly dramatic spike in COVID-19 infection rates this month.

Nonetheles­s, the Trump campaign allowed thousands of supporters to pack closely together for Friday’s second rally in Green Bay, Wisc. Many supporters did not wear masks.

During Friday’s Michigan rally, Trump even mocked Fox News host Laura Ingraham for showing up to the event wearing a mask.

“I can’t recognize you. Is that a mask? No way,” he said. “Look at you, Laura. She’s being very politicall­y correct. Whoa!”

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 ??  ?? President Trump campaigns in Michigan, where on the same day that COVID killed 1,000 Americans, he claimed the pandemic is exaggerate­d. Joe Biden gets a big welcome (below) in Iowa.
President Trump campaigns in Michigan, where on the same day that COVID killed 1,000 Americans, he claimed the pandemic is exaggerate­d. Joe Biden gets a big welcome (below) in Iowa.

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