New York Daily News

Tense LGBT rally at the Stonewall

- Noah Goldberg and Kerry Burke

Hundreds of protesters and LGBT activists gathered outside the Stonewall Inn on Thursday as police hemmed them in from all sides.

The protesters were gathered to listen to Black trans women sing and speak outside the famous West Village bar in what has become a weekly event since the summer — but the police presence grew significan­tly this week, amid citywide protests and the presidenti­al election.

At least a hundred cops on bikes and on foot stood around the rally, while members of the Stonewall protest attempted to keep cops out by creating a wall of bikes.

“This is the weekly Stonewall bash. Tensions are a bit high; besides the election, the last two nights police have inserted themselves into peaceful protests and done their usual thing, which is wrongfully arrest people,” said Aaron Gamman, 21, a protester from Brooklyn.

On Wednesday night, a protest in downtown Manhattan turned into an ugly confrontat­ion with cops, leading to 56 arrests.

Gamman said the larger than usual police presence didn’t surprise him. “It should feel dreadful and terrible, but it’s just a regular Thursday for me. I’m used to more cops around me at this point,” he said.

Protester, Demetri Elias, 30, said he didn’t understand, why cops were focusing so many officers on a peaceful rally. “People are complainin­g about crime this and crime that; if those are such big issues, then why are so many police officers here? Shouldn’t they be doing their jobs?” Elias asked.

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