New York Daily News

Three pro-prez groups set to converge in D.C.


Far-right demonstrat­ors are expected to converge near the White House on Saturday in support of President Trump’s baseless refusal to admit that he lost the 2020 election, making local officials wary of violence breaking out.

Three separate events are planned: A “Women for Trump” protest, a “Million MAGA March” and a “Stop the Steal” rally — the latter of which promotes the president’s unfounded claim that Democrats rigged the election against him. The events are expected to take place in and near Freedom Plaza a few blocks from the White House.

The protests are being organized and promoted by a variety of right-wing groups, varying from pro-Trump outfits associated with the president’s campaign to violent extremist organizati­ons like the Proud Boys.

Trump hailed his supporters Friday afternoon for planning the events and claimed he may stop by.

“Heartwarmi­ng to see all of the tremendous support out there, especially the organic Rallies that are springing up all over the Country, including a big one on Saturday in D.C. I may even try to stop by and say hello,” Trump tweeted.

Organizers for the main happening, “Million MAGA March,” claim on their website that more than 125,000 people have signed up to attend. The event page does not encourage attendants to wear face masks or socially distance despite the ever-worsening coronaviru­s pandemic, which has already killed more than 240,000 Americans.

Unlike Trump, the MAGA march organizers sought to distance themselves from the Proud Boys and other violent groups.

“The Million MAGA March rally does not associate with Antifa or the Proud Boys, said a statement on the march website.

“We condemn all acts of violence.”

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