New York Daily News

Cuomo: Supremes’ decision ‘irrelevant’


Gov. Cuomo said a U.S. Supreme Court decision handed down Wednesday night blocking state officials from enforcing a cap on religious gatherings in coronaviru­s hotspots in Brooklyn and Queens is “irrelevant from any practical impact” because those areas are no longer designated virus hotspots.

He said the decision, among the first that includes newly-appointed Justice Amy Coney Barrett, was “really more an opportunit­y for the court to express its philosophy and politics.”

“The Brooklyn zone no longer exists as a red zone. That’s mooted. So that restrictio­n is not in effect,” Cuomo said on a conference call with reporters Thursday. “That’s what was irregular about the court taking it up.”

The Supreme Court ruled 5-4 in favor of issuing an injunction on the state’s enforcemen­t of the religious service rules, which cap religious gatherings at 25 in areas designated as “orange zones” and 10 in areas designated as “red zones” under state orders.

The case will now return to a lower federal court for a decision. Cuomo said the Supreme Court decision won’t affect caps on religious gatherings in other parts of the state currently designated as red or orange zones.

Religious institutio­ns across the state, even if they’re not in hotspot zones, are still required to keep in-person gatherings at 50% capacity under state rules — a policy that wasn’t challenged in the Supreme Court decision.

The complaints considered by the Supreme Court were filed by the orthodox Jewish group Agudath Israel and the Brooklyn Roman Catholic diocese, both of which argued that the rules limiting in-person religious gatherings infringe on their First Amendment rights.

Agudath Israel and the Brooklyn diocese, the two religious organizati­ons that filed the complaints that led to the ruling, celebrated the decision.

“I’m so gratified the decision has come today because our country was founded on the principle of religious freedom,” said Brooklyn Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio in a press conference Thursday morning. “Unfortunat­ely, we see it in the case before us … there can be too much of a restrictio­n, which doesn’t really make sense when we look at the volume of space we have in our churches.”

Leaders of Agudath Israel, an organizati­on that represents Haredi Orthodox Jews across the country, said the orange and red zone restrictio­ns were needlessly broad.

The ruling comes as New York prepares to shift its COVID-19 plans in response to the start of the holiday and winter months.

“All the global experts say the same thing. This virus has phases, as the phases changes, your plan should change,” Cuomo said.

The state’s approach will involve continuing its planning to distribute a vaccine, reconsider­ing the criteria for designatin­g COVID-19 hotspots, and coming up with standards to keep elementary and middle schools open even if they’re located in hotspots.

Another factor that will influence the state’s approach in the coming weeks and months is whether Thanksgivi­ng celebratio­ns lead to an uptick in COVID cases.

“We want to assess the consequenc­es of Thanksgivi­ng,” Cuomo said, noting experts “project an increase post-Thanksgivi­ng.”

 ??  ?? Gov. Cuomo criticized a U.S. Supreme Court decision that blocked state officials from enforcing a cap on attendance at some religious organizati­ons.
Gov. Cuomo criticized a U.S. Supreme Court decision that blocked state officials from enforcing a cap on attendance at some religious organizati­ons.

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