New York Daily News

Election lies have consequenc­es

- Juanita M. Johnson GETTY IMAGES

Bronx: Voicer John R. Rossano obviously has no idea that every one of lying Trump’s lawyers admitted in court that there was no fraud, otherwise they would have committed perjury and could not only lose their law licenses but go to jail. Even Giuliani stated in court that this was not a fraud case. Biden won the election fairly and honestly. Did this Voicer not notice that after losing in court, lying Trump then tried to have legislator­s throw out legal votes — primarily Black votes? Did this Voicer not know Lindsey Graham tried to get a Georgia official to throw out legal votes? This Voicer forgets that unlike 2016, the FBI prevented Russia from having more than 200 contacts with the Trump campaign, and there was no Comey to break FBI protocol twice.

“Revelation­s” states that all liars who do not repent and receive forgivenes­s are going to the second death, which we call hell. Trump, by saying he never apologizes because he has never done anything wrong — serial adulterer and crooked real estate promoter who lies about showing his tax returns if elected, lies about the election, lies about not knowing Stormy Daniels — is going to hell.

This Voicer forgets that Trump mocked the disabled, while Jesus helped the disabled; forgets that Trump mocked a Muslim family mourning the loss of a son who died fighting for this country, whereas Jesus teaches in the Beatitudes: “Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted,” not made fun of.

My final question is why did this Voicer support and lie for Trump, who is going to hell?

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