New York Daily News

Coulda died just like Di!

Att’y: Max feared press pursuit


Ghislaine Maxwell was at risk of dying just like Princess Diana due to relentless press interest, a security expert for the accused Jeffrey Epstein madam wrote in a new court filing.

The unexpected comparison between the beloved British royal who died in a car crash and the socialite charged with grooming underage girls in an internatio­nal sex traffickin­g ring came in Maxwell’s $28.5 million bail proposal filed Monday.

Maxwell’s security consultant since July 2019 wrote in a Manhattan Federal Court filing that she faced constant death threats and “aggressive behavior” from the press.

“This kind of behavior is not only harassing, but can be life threatenin­g. A good example is the case of Princess Diana, who unfortunat­ely lost her life due to press intrusion into her personal space. My consultant­s conduct meticulous planning and preparatio­n to avoid such instances,” the security consultant, whose name was redacted, said in the filing.

Princess Diana died in a Paris car crash in 1997 while fleeing the paparazzi. Maxwell is linked to the British royal family through her friendship with Prince Andrew, who allegedly abused an Epstein victim when she was 17 at Maxwell’s London townhouse.

Maxwell’s security specialist — a former member of the United Kingdom Special Forces — wrote his company could ensure she followed the terms of her proposed bail. The expert went so far as to post a $1 million bond as part of her applicatio­n.

“I have never once posted a bond for a client in the past,” the specialist wrote. “I am confident that she will not try to flee.”

Maxwell and her husband, who has not been officially identified, are worth $22.5 million, according to an accounting firm analysis. Maxwell is rumored to be married to Scott Borgerson, a maritime expert and investor.

In an effort to portray

Maxwell as trustworth­y, the security specialist offered an alternativ­e account of her July arrest at a Bradford, N.H., estate.

The British socialite’s security team initially thought a low-flying helicopter was a member of the press. As vehicles approached her $1 million mansion, Maxwell should have followed protocol and retreated to a “safe room,” the expert wrote. The suspected intruders turned out to be FBI agents.

Prosecutor­s previously claimed that Maxwell ignored orders from the FBI and retreated inside her palatial home purchased in cash using a limited-liability company.

Maxwell’s friends and family also wrote letters to Judge Alison Nathan vouching for her character. Many said they had left their own children in Maxwell’s care.

“I feel totally safe around Ghislaine, in fact, I feel safer with her. I have never had any hesitation in my children visiting her or being with her — as they have been — both as young children and now they are older. Neither they nor I have ever seen any signs or signals of the alleged criminal conduct,” wrote one person who offered a $1.5 million property as collateral for Maxwell’s bail.

 ??  ?? A lawyer for Ghislaine Maxwell (r.) made a bizarre comparison between the accused Jeffrey Epstein madam and the beloved Princess Diana (l.) in a bail applicatio­n hearing Tuesday.
A lawyer for Ghislaine Maxwell (r.) made a bizarre comparison between the accused Jeffrey Epstein madam and the beloved Princess Diana (l.) in a bail applicatio­n hearing Tuesday.

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