New York Daily News

The good doctor


It wasn’t throwing out the first pitch, but it was a much more important use of an arm when Dr. Tony Fauci rolled up his other sleeve to get vaccinated for all the world to see. Then, about an hour later, this son of Bensonhurs­t, America’s top COVID warrior, talked with us. He stresses that everyone needs to get the shot when it’s offered — and then should keep wearing masks and distancing until we hit herd immunity. Amen.

Fauci says he’s spending a lot of his time speaking to historical­ly Black colleges, churches and similar audiences, trying to reassure people in traditiona­lly underserve­d communitie­s that the vaccine is safe and effective and the only way to finally end this plague, which has hit minorities hardest. Turning 80 tomorrow, Fauci has been promoting science and equity — and fighting disease and ignorance — for more than half a century.

Having a president who denied the danger of COVID and rejected sound health practices made Fauci’s tough task, and that of legions of other experts, much tougher. When Joe Biden takes over in exactly four weeks, they’ll finally have the ally they need to win this battle.

As for Fauci’s beloved and suffering hometown, he says that New York got sucker punched in the spring and fought back and will stand tall again soon. He also confirmed that he received the comfort food package of hot pastrami and a batch of Nathan’s hot dogs that he had discussed with Gov. Cuomo. Speaking of which, he recounted how on his own dad’s 90th birthday, he took him down to Nathan’s on Surf Ave. for a dog.

Which gives us an idea: Hey, doc, how about for your 81st, next December, we meet up in Coney for lunch? Our treat. By then, fingers crossed, we won’t need masks.

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