New York Daily News

Alec goes all potty mouth on Instagram


Alec Baldwin didn’t mince words with a social media user who accused his wife of fabricatin­g her ties to Spain.

The actor on Monday shared an Instagram post featuring a quote from Mark Twain that reads, “A lie can travel half way around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes.”

Another Instagram user commented on that post, “Like your wife being Spanish when she lived in Massachuse­tts her entire life. I take it her accent is fake as well? FRAUDS!”

“Go f- - - yourself,” Baldwin, 62, fired back.

The exchange came several days after a series of social media posts accused the actor’s wife, Hilaria Baldwin, of making up an accent and Spanish heritage.

Hilaria, 36, responded to the situation in an Instagram post over the weekend.

“My parents and sibling live in Spain and I chose to live here, in the USA,” she wrote. “We celebrate both cultures in our home — Alec and I are raising our children bilingual, just as I was raised. This is very important to me. I understand that my story is a little different, but it is mine, and I’m very proud of it.”

She added in an Instagram video, “In this country, I would use the name Hillary, and in Spain, I would use the name Hilaria.”

Alec Baldwin shared several more comments on Monday’s Instagram post, including telling the same user he previously called out, “you got a big mouth Roid Boy.”

He also responded to another commenter to say his wife “was born in Boston but grew up in Spain. You got it?”

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