New York Daily News

Parler’s vile posts

Amazon airs calls for blood to back shutdown


Amazon sought to justify its shutdown of Parler on Thursday by sharing with a federal judge several deranged posts from the anti-social network.

Amazon attorney Ambika Doran said during a hearing in U.S. District Court in Seattle that the tech giant had no choice but to stop hosting Parler on company servers after the Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol.

The deadly attack was planned and discussed in real-time on the right-wing social network, court papers and news reports show.

“The content at issue ... encourages rape, murder and torture,” Doran said. The lawyer filed examples of inflammato­ry, disturbing Parler posts in court, which she called “the tip of the iceberg.”

The posts showed Parler users discussing mass murder of liberals, extreme homophobia and transphobi­a, racism, and attacks on Amazon itself.

“On Jan. 20 we need to start systematic­ally assassinat­ing #liberal leaders, liberal activists, #blm leaders and supporters, members of the #nba #nfl #mlb #nhl #mainstream­media anchors and correspond­ents and #antifa. I already have news worthy events planned,” read one bloodthirs­ty post.

“I really don’t look forward to having to kill someone, but it is necessary for the future of our people,” read another in response to a discussion about the start of a civil war.

Another user posted, “The only good democrat is a dead one.”

The online invective was eerily reminiscen­t of the assaults on Capitol police officers by pro-Trump supporters during last week’s siege.

“Cops are modern day redcoats. These ‘officers’ will strip you of your rights so be prepared to fight if necessary,” a post read.

Amazon pulled the plug on Parler four days after the riot, saying the company was unable to moderate its inflammato­ry content.

“The events of Jan. 6 changed the way we think about the world,” Doran said.

Parler says Amazon’s move has destroyed its business and is politicall­y motivated. At the time of the suspension, the network had 15 million users and was adding 1 million new users a day. Trump himself was reportedly considerin­g opening an account.

“The site is supported by advertiser­s. They’re gone,,” Parler attorney David Groesbeck said, adding Amazon shouldn’t be allowed to “take 15 million voices and turn them off.”

Judge Barbara Rothstein will rule on Parler’s demand that Amazon restore services.

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 ??  ?? Parler posters advocated murder, rape, the slaying of Demcrats and other horrors, Amazon, which shut the site down, said in court Thursday.
Parler posters advocated murder, rape, the slaying of Demcrats and other horrors, Amazon, which shut the site down, said in court Thursday.

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