New York Daily News


School reopenings pushed as more get vax


State leaders around the U.S. are increasing­ly pushing for schools to reopen this winter — pressuring them, even — as teachers begin to gain access to the vaccine against the raging pandemic.

Ohio’s governor offered to give vaccinatio­ns to teachers at the start of February, provided their school districts agree to resume at least some in-person instructio­n by March 1. In Arizona, where teachers began receiving shots this week, the governor warned schools that he expects students back in the classroom despite objections from top education officials and the highest COVID-19 diagnosis rate in the nation over the past week.

“We will not be funding empty seats or allowing schools to remain in a perpetual state of closure,” said Republican Gov. Doug Ducey. “Children still need to learn, even in a pandemic.”

Leaders of Arizona’s major hospitals disagreed with the governor’s position, noting at a news conference Wednesday that the state is teetering on the brink of having to ration lifesaving care.

“We understand that learning and bringing our children together is very important,” said Dr. Michael White of Valleywise Health. “But at this time with uncontroll­ed spread of the virus, we need to do things that we know will reduce the chance that the virus will spread, and that is not gathering with people we don’t live with.”

President-elect Joe Biden initially pledged to reopen a majority of the nation’s schools in his first 100 days, but recently revised the goal to most of the country’s K-8 schools. He has said teachers should be eligible for vaccinatio­ns as soon as possible after those who are at highest risk.

Some states aren’t waiting, but the process can be scattersho­t.

Meika Mark, a ninth-grade English teacher in upstate Port Jervis got vaccinated Tuesday at a hospital, using a link a friend texted her.

“It’s just word of mouth: ‘Here’s a link and hopefully you get a slot,’” said Mark, who contracted the virus in March and spent the rest of the school year teaching remotely. “I know of a woman who had her husband sit in front of a computer literally all day and just click the refresh button until an appointmen­t came up.”

Mark, 34, is now doing some in-person teaching and is grateful for the added layer of protection.

“I told my students before that every day is one day closer to normalcy,” she said. “I think if we just remind ourselves of that, it just helps to pause and live in the moment for a minute.”

High school band director Michael Crookston was among the first teachers to get a vaccinatio­n in Utah, which is among the earliest states to give priority to educators. Crookston has been in the classroom since the school year began, despite having diabetes, which puts him at greater risk.

“It’s been a thing I’ve been looking forward to, a little bit like Christmas,” said Crookston, who teaches at Davis High School, north of Salt Lake City, where he used a parent’s donation to buy 12 air filters for his band room. Students also wear face masks and use covers on their instrument­s.

Utah Gov. Spencer Cox has said he wants to vaccinate all teachers by the end of February.

Salt Lake City has been hit hard by the virus and was the only district in Utah to stay all-remote this school year. That has angered some GOP leaders, who have threatened to deny the city’s teachers the $1,500 bonuses promised to the state’s educators.

An estimated 10.3 million Americans have received their first shot of the vaccine, or about 3% of the U.S. population, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. That is an increase of about 1 million from the day before, indicating the vaccinatio­n drive is picking up speed.

But the U.S. is still well short of the hundreds of millions who experts say will need to be inoculated to vanquish the outbreak.

A report released Wednesday by the CDC adds to the evidence suggesting that children aren’t the main drivers of community transmissi­on. It found that increases in reported cases among adults were not preceded by increases among children and teens. Young adults, it appears, may contribute more to the spread than children do.

New York State expanded vaccine eligibilit­y to teachers this week. But in New York City, the nation’s largest school district, Mayor de Blasio said Wednesday that middle and high schools would remain closed indefinite­ly.

 ?? AP ?? Spencer Jensen, a music teacher at Legacy Preparator­y Academy, receives the COVID-19 vaccine in Farmington, Utah, this week.
AP Spencer Jensen, a music teacher at Legacy Preparator­y Academy, receives the COVID-19 vaccine in Farmington, Utah, this week.

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