New York Daily News

Flag-carrying fool & son in latest busts


The pro-Trump rioter seen parading a Confederat­e flag through the U.S. Capitol last week is among the latest to be nabbed for taking part in the deadly melee, authoritie­s said Thursday.

Kevin Seefried, of Delaware, was nabbed along with his son Hunter roughly a week after they both joined the hordes of rightwing extremists to storm into the Capitol in a violent effort to halt the certificat­ion of President-Elect Joe Biden’s win.

Both Seefrieds were slapped with two felony charges, including violent entry and disorderly conduct on U.S. Capitol grounds, according to the criminal complaint filed by federal authoritie­s.

The Seefrieds entered the Senate Building through a broken window at around 2:13 p.m. during the Jan. 6 riot, the complaint says. Kevin Seefried was photograph­ed waving a large Confederat­e flag around shortly after the pair entered the building.

The father-son duo then joined other rioters in a 15-minute verbal confrontat­ion with several U.S. Capitol police officers, which was captured on camera by police.

Hunter Seefried’s co-worker reported the men to the FBI, “relaying that Hunter Seefried had bragged about being in the U.S. Capitol with his father,” the complaint says.

The co-worker also confirmed photos of Hunter Seefried posted by the Metropolit­an Police Department.

The FBI interviewe­d father and son separately Jan. 12, and both admitted to taking part in the riot, the complaint said.

The elder Seefried told authoritie­s he brought the Confederat­e flag from his Delaware home, where it’s usually displayed outside.

Other Trump supporters arrested and charged in the Jan. 6 insurrecti­on include two from upstate New York, including Buffalo resident Peter Harding.

In a Facebook live video posted the day after the siege, Harding said, “If we can take the Capitol building, there is nothing we can’t accomplish county government, city government, town government, state government,” according to the criminal complaint.

“I was there, I’ve got it all on video,” Harding said on camera, according to the FBI, which obtained the footage. “We did what we needed to do. We made our point … and we got out.”

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