New York Daily News

Nation’s top doc quits post


U.S. Surgeon General Jerome Adams turned in his resignatio­n on Wednesday at the request of President Biden as the new administra­tion sought to make a clean break from ex-President Donald Trump’s bungled response to the coronaviru­s pandemic.

Adams, a trailblaze­r whose reputation suffered by his associatio­n with Trump’s mercurial leadership, sought to take the high road on the way out the door as the nation’s top doctor.

“I hope in 2021 and beyond, we can focus more on what unites us, and rise above what divides us,” said Adams, who was the second Black man in history to serve as surgeon general. “Americans working together can overcome any obstacle or adversary.”

Biden’s transition team informed Adams (photo) that the incoming president planned to ask for his resignatio­n as soon as Wednesday.

The new administra­tion wants to signal a completely new approach to fighting the pandemic after more than 400,000 Americans died on Trump’s watch.

Adams sought to defend his role as a public face of Trump’s failed policies, which included dramatical­ly downplayin­g the danger of the virus to refusing to call on Americans to take common-sense health precaution­s.

“I sought to communicat­e the rapidly evolving science on this deadly adversary, and arm people with the knowledge and tools they needed to stay safe,” Adams wrote. “I was always sincere in my efforts to speak to everyday Americans, and address the terrible health inequities this virus exposed.”

Adams is an anesthesio­logist and former Indiana health commission­er who is a close ally of ex-Vice President Mike Pence.

Biden planned to name an acting surgeon general. He passed over Deputy Surgeon General Erica Schwartz, a career civil servant, who planned to retire.

Biden has nominated Vivek Murthy to be a permanent replacemen­t for Adams as surgeon general.

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