New York Daily News

We need bold climate action now


Poestenkil­l, N.Y.: We hope the Daily News Editorial Board will urge President Biden to take executive action on climate change. We have to make up for the four years we just lost to avoid climate collapse. Proposals for executive action include setting a goal of 100% clean electricit­y by 2030. They embrace a commitment to environmen­tal justice and a just transition to ensure that all individual­s benefit from the changes. We must keep fossil fuels in the ground, starting with a halt to new fossil fuel infrastruc­ture and a ban on fracking. Other countries have shown that a dramatic increase in renewables does not necessaril­y result in major cuts in greenhouse gas emission. We need clear, strong goals and mandates to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

The Internatio­nal Panel on Climate Change has consistent­ly underestim­ated the speed and severity of global warming, which in the Arctic has exceeded what scientists thought would happen at the end of this century. Many feel the IPCC’s warning that we have 11 years left for unpreceden­ted worldwide action is overly optimistic. We must do everything we can immediatel­y, not propose 30-year deadlines.

The response to COVID showed that it is possible to rapidly change day-to-day existence. The Green New Deal should be the core of our COVID economic relief package, as Europe and South Korea have done.

Biden’s call for climate action helped him win the election. The world needs him to continue his evolution to a climate champion.

Mark A. Dunlea, steering committee member, 350NYC


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