New York Daily News

Tough crowd E-sloppy


Ridgefield, Conn.: Chuck Lorre is getting flak for casting a South African actor to play an Afghan (“Real, Funny,” March 31)? Seriously? In case anyone has forgotten, playing a role in a movie, TV or on stage is called acting. Laurence Olivier played Hamlet, a Dane; Vivien Leigh played Scarlett, an Irish Southern belle; Liam Neeson played Schindler, a German; Marlon Brando played Don Corleone, an Italian; and let’s not forget about the triumph of Lin-Manuel Miranda as Hamilton! I guess with this mindset, director Jonathan Demme should have sought out Jeffrey Dahmer to play Hannibal Lecter and ignored Sir Anthony Hopkins altogether.

Karen Pickering

Coral Springs, Fla.: As a longtime online reader of the Daily News, I have one request: Please pay a bit more attention to the online version of your daily screed. It is rife with repeated pages, titles that repeat themselves — and what’s with that little arrow in the top right-hand corner? When clicked on, it results in a blank dark screen. Who created your e-paper? A 5-year-old? John Squicciari­ni

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