New York Daily News

Hateful spew not new to candidate


A Queens City Council wannabe’s profanity and rage aren’t just confined to the online world.

Steve Behar went off on an expletive-filled tirade against Black Lives Matter demonstrat­ors gathered at a Jamaica, Queens, park last summer.

“You have no f------g business being here!” he yelled at activists gathered in Major Mark Park in June 2020, according to video posted to Twitter.

When a demonstrat­or interjects, “We all have business being here,” Behar snaps back: “F—k you! You’re pathetic!”

Video shows him ranting — with his face mask on his forehead — in spite of protests from a man who noted there were children present.

“You co-opted a Black Lives Matter protest for your own agenda!” Behar fumed while pumping his fist. “You should be ashamed!”

Asked by a demonstrat­or why Behar was there, he yelled: “I’m here to show my little niece and nephew that Black Lives Matter!”

The demonstrat­ion was one of many across the city after Black Minnesota man George Floyd was killed by a white police officer in May 2020.

Out of about 100 demonstrat­ors at the park that day, some were protesting local elected officials for taking campaign cash from police unions, according to attendee

Ramy Noaman, who shot the video.

“This could have been ... a great opportunit­y to have dialogue,”

Noaman, 30, told the Daily News on Thursday. “He chose instead to curse in front of children and in front of people who were there to have a conversati­on.”

The News previously exposed Behar, the staff attorney for Councilman Barry Grodenchik, for going after a number of women on social media.

He recently suggested rival candidate Linda Lee’s message boiled down to saying, “Vote for Me I’m a Mommy!” He also called a local woman “a Nazi c—t” on Facebook. Neither he nor Grodenchik immediatel­y answered requests for comment.

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