New York Daily News

Cash incentive


Valley Stream, L.I.: Let’s see, there’s a deadly disease affecting the world and science has developed a vaccine that may protect us and our loved ones from horrible deaths, but many people still refuse to get the shot and even refuse to be considerat­e of others and wear masks where need be — without the slightest thought of how long and hard medical staff and first responders work for them. Now, NYC’s puppet of a mayor is awarding $100 to people if they get the shot? Right away I had an image of little boys with their arms crossed, lips pouted and stamping their feet in a corner, refusing to eat or go to bed until they get a treat. If one person gets even one dollar for getting this shot, all the vaccinated villagers should get the same reward. It’s a matter of not only equality but life and death, for God’s sake! John J. Esposito

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