New York Daily News

This outcome was pre-determined

- Henry Woodack

Bayonne: Anyone who has seen the images cannot deny that there is a great human tragedy happening in real time in Afghanista­n. Scores of innocent civilians are desperatel­y trying to leave the country, and with good reason. The Taliban do not have the greatest record of tolerance and embrace an extreme religion that dismisses women as second-class citizens. With all that said, it is not fair nor accurate to criticize President Biden for making the tough decision to end the U.S. presence there. We have all grown accustomed to the previous administra­tion lacking the strength to lead. Our country has been fed a steady diet of spin and falsehoods for more than four years, so it is not surprising to see the populace shocked at a hard decision. It is worth noting that Joe Biden was against a surge or increase in troops as far back as 2009. His open support for reducing and ending involvemen­t in that country should not be a surprise to anyone.

Rather than toss the blame back to the deal President Trump agreed to, we need to realize that the entire misadventu­re in Afghanista­n was doomed from the beginning because it lacked direction and resolve. The reason Western Europe has recovered from the devastatio­n of two world wars was the Marshall Plan. The U.S. and the UN needed to invest in a lasting and comprehens­ive recovery from decades of infighting in Afghanista­n, not to mention their brief war with the former Soviet Union in the late 1980s. Had the outrageous amount of money spent gone to creating industry and trade, there may have been a booming economy in Afghanista­n that may have cut any support for more revolution and unrest.

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