New York Daily News

Our own Narcissus


Manhattan: After reading the letter from Voicer Katherine Moloney, I am surprised Trump’s actions weren’t highlighte­d more by the media. The man claims to love his country and wraps himself in the flag, yet was absent from the solemn ceremonies for 9/11 in his hometown. He did, however, manage a visit to the local police precinct on the pretense of a remembranc­e of the day but wasted no time in turning it into a campaign stop with his usual complainin­g about a fixed election, the withdrawal from Afghanista­n, etc. Not for one day could he put his divisivene­ss aside. All the other living presidents managed to attend observance­s offering messages of hope and compassion to the American people. As usual, he made it all about his narcissist­ic self. He never seems to miss an opportunit­y to further his self-interest. The country and the world were watching. How sad for him. How sad for us.

Steve Bellish

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