New York Daily News

It ain’t over


Ossining, N.Y.: Voicer Bob Pascarella, a relentless member of the Trump cult, says we should get over the former guy. We will do that when he is no longer a threat to the nation. He is still spreading the Big Lie that he won the election. He has convinced an unhealthy share of what is left of the GOP that elections no longer matter. His attacks on the foundation­al institutio­ns of this country are the greatest threat to the nation since 1860. Trump is considered such a menace to society that he had to be blocked by social media platforms lest he endanger more lives. Between his delusional denials that he is the worst loser in presidenti­al history to the hundreds of thousands of lives lost due to his cynical self-preservati­on lies about COVID, to his many crimes in office and dreams of being a dictator, the threat he poses is still real. Robert Rundbaken

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