New York Daily News



South Bend, Ind.: When I read about a racially insensitiv­e comment made by a Republican school board campaign manager in Guilford, Conn., I wasn’t surprised that a member of the disingenuo­usly named group “Truth in Education” leaped to her defense by uttering the cliché that America’s founders had proclaimed “all men are created equal.” The Declaratio­n of Independen­ce also contains a phrase denouncing “merciless Indian Savages,” so America’s founders apparently didn’t view them too equally. Until the Civil War changed it, Article I of the Constituti­on stated that, for purposes of Congressio­nal representa­tion, slaves were considered three-fifths of a human being. The purveyors of the campaign against Critical Race Theory have relied on far too many Americans being uninformed about these facts, which has enabled them to manufactur­e genuine, but misguided, outrage against an imaginary problem for self-serving political and financial gain. David R. Hoffman

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