New York Daily News

Perception vs. reality


Lackawaxen, Pa.: Proof once again that if you repeat it often enough, some people will believe it: Voicer Thomas Murawski believes that Rudy Giuliani was a “law-and-order mayor.” Even with the benefit from the 25% increased NYPD staffing that was effected by David Dinkins, murders during Rudy’s two terms averaged 1,264 per year (890 if 9/11 deaths are not regarded as homicides). Bill de Blasio’s eight years saw an average of 360 annually. But what is the public and media perception? That the spike during the COVID years represents a trend — despite being nearly 10% lower than the average murder rate during Mike Bloomberg’s 12 years. Even with murder rates twice as high, Giuliani’s reputation is that of a crime-fighter. And the city needs an ex-cop to save us!

John A. MacKinnon

Kenneth Joe

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