New York Daily News

Best meetings include something most people try to avoid


Zoom has become an everyday part of millions of lives and part of nearly everyone’s vocabulary, with 300 million users per day. And yet, there’s one problem that persists — and it comes at a high cost. It’s not the occasional audio issues, reminiscen­t of the Verizon commercial catchphras­e “can you hear me now?” It’s not the “Zoom Ceiling” or video-call burnout. It has nothing to do with well-engineered technology, but instead with well-meaning people.

More specifical­ly, well-meaning people trying to be too well-mannered. But in an effort to have good manners, we can end up having bad meetings.

It’s the type of bad meeting that doesn’t prove productive, and a wave of relief washes over you as the call ends. Most of us have been there. But not because of a big presentati­on, a heavy problem to troublesho­ot or a high-pressure boss. It’s the deafening sounds of crickets when a question was asked and the team falls silent.

In my experience, it wasn’t that no one had opinions, thoughts or ideas. Rather, people were trying desperatel­y to avoid one thing we’ve always been advised not to do: interrupt one another.

Without the normal social cues we can see in-person that tell us when someone is about to speak, people pause to kindly give others the chance to speak in an effort to be polite. But moments after, the seconds start to feel like minutes and people fill the gap and respond — often at the same time.

There begins the awkward dance between two people following the classic script that goes something like, “oh, sorry, you go,” “oh, no, you go.” By the time you’ve settled who will take the baton that was feeling more like a game of hot potato, you’ve lost your train of thought. Or at least I would. And by the time I’d get to say what

I was thinking, I had lost it — only to then be left taking center stage fumbling to say something.

The reluctance to respond right away hinders conversati­on. It’s good to be thoughtful, but when meeting live, being slow to respond is a conversati­on killer. Being the stereotypi­cal Northeaste­rner that I am, with a penchant for efficiency, I appreciate a fast-paced and rapid-fire conversati­on. Admittedly, I typically equate those “bad interrupti­ons” brought on by excitement as a sign of a good conversati­on.

As poor-mannered as it is to speak while others are talking in real life, online it can benefit companies to have teams that are so tuned in they get fired up to speak.

It helps to effectivel­y increase productivi­ty with less energy, as ideas will be more effortless­ly shared, better leveraging the expertise and experience of those on your team. People will become more invested because, as people get more involved, they have more of a stake in the outcome — and with that, they’ll have a more evident purpose as they are heard.

Arguably the most important benefit is invaluable for both businesses and staff: increased workplace satisfacti­on. Which is a major part of the strangest, yet most effective Great Resignatio­n strategy.

So let there be a bit of chaos — and if there isn’t, encourage chaos. In the evolving world of remote work, virtual meetings require a different approach to be successful.

Foster an environmen­t of free-flowing thoughts, where respect doesn’t mean being quiet but being forthright. If your team doesn’t speak up in meetings, there are things you can do about it. For example, keep collaborat­ive meetings small (the right meeting size is even smaller than most think), ensuring there are only participan­ts. After all, to have a winning team, everyone needs to have skin in the game and a voice on the team.


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