New York Daily News

Elon: I’ll let Don back on Twitter

- David Matthews

Elon Musk said he plans to welcome former President Donald Trump back to Twitter once his purchase of the social media site goes through.

While the world waits for the $44 billion deal to close, Musk has been sketching out his vision of Twitter as a “free speech” platform.

“I think it was a morally bad decision to be clear and foolish in the extreme,” Musk (right) said Tuesday at a Future of the Car virtual event, according to The Washington Post.

“I do think it was not correct to ban Donald Trump. I think that was a mistake … It alienated a large part of the country and did not ultimately result in Donald Trump not having a voice.

“Banning Trump from Twitter didn’t end Trump’s voice — it will amplify it from the right,” he said. “This is why it is morally wrong and flat-out stupid.”

Musk seemed to acknowledg­e that anything could still happen and Trump’s return was not an absolute. “I don’t own Twitter yet,” the Tesla CEO said. Trump (inset) was banned after the Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol in an effort to stop him from inciting similar events and continuing to spread the disproven lie the 2020 presidenti­al election was stolen from him.

Musk has said Twitter needs to be free of all moderation, which experts have said would lead to more hate speech and harassment.

Musk said bans should be extremely rare and focused on spam and scam accounts.

The only thing standing in Musk’s way: Trump himself.

The former president has started Truth Social, his own fledgling social media network, and has said on multiple occasions that he would not rejoin Twitter even if the ban on his account was reversed.

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