New York Daily News

Survivor heard ‘bullets flying past my hair’


He ducked, dodged and turned every which way imaginable when the bullets started flying at a Harlem cookout — and somehow escaped with just a badly broken finger.

“I heard the whiz, the sound of the bullets flying past my hair,” Francisco Batista recalled Monday. “I just kept turning all different kind of ways to hopefully avoid the shots. I turned like that, it hit my finger. I hit the floor, but someone I didn’t even know grabbed me up and said, ‘Let’s go, Let’s go.’

“‘I said, ‘Yo Bro, I’m hit.’ But I kept running.”

Batista, 24, was one of nine people shot when several gunmen opened fire during a rapper’s Father’s Day cookout on the Harlem River Drive footpath under the Madison Ave. Bridge.

One man, 21-year-old college basketball star Darius Lee, was killed. The others, Batista included, got lucky and are expected to recover. Doctors told Batista it’s possible they’ll have to amputate his finger during surgery to repair broken bones.

“I heard like five to seven shots,” Batista said. “It almost hit me on my side. If I didn’t turn at the last second — the only reason it hit my hand and not my side is because I turned.”

Police sources said the rapper, Rich Rhymer, was filming a music video when all hell broke loose.

Batista suspects the shooting was sparked by a man who pulled up on a blue-and-white dirt bike.

But his sister Munchie, who had stepped away moments before the shooting to get Batista water, cautioned that his memory may have been distorted by the horrific ordeal.

“When something is traumatic, your mind focuses on something specific like the dirt bike,” she said. “I just heard a lot of ‘pows’ and I said, ‘That’s not fireworks.’ ”

Batista, who ran on his own to Harlem Hospital to get treatment, said he had heard gunshots before — but never experience­d a brush with death.

“I’ve never actually been at a live scene,” he said. “It’s a little different. It makes me actually want to move with my sister to Pennsylvan­ia. I’m not going to keep going to parties. I’d rather stay in the house.

“Life is too short for that.”

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