New York Daily News

Grab creeps’ commissary cash – feds

B’klyn prosecutor­s say funds of 2 city sex criminals should be used for victim restitutio­n


Federal prosecutor­s in Brooklyn are looking to seize thousands of dollars in prison commissary funds from two sex criminals — making the request just as a top Justice Department official urged government attorneys to be more aggressive in collecting restitutio­n from inmates.

In court filings last week, Brooklyn U.S. Attorney Breon Peace’s office asked to take $4,500 from the commissary account of a Queens man who lured an Australian teen to the U.S. for sex, and more than $11,000 from a Staten Island warehouse manager convicted of child pornograph­y charges.

The filings come as the government faces criticism over letting federal inmates keep large sums in their commissary accounts while paying the minimum amount required to their victims.

The question of restitutio­n has put the Justice Department at odds with the Bureau of Prisons, which uses more than $80 million each year in prisoner spending to help pay staff salaries, The Washington Post reported in August.

In a memo dated Friday, Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco urged federal prosecutor­s to ask sentencing judges to seize money in accounts, and to “proactivel­y” look for that money.

“Prosecutor­s should request that sentencing courts order that restitutio­n be due and payable immediatel­y, but if courts order otherwise, prosecutor­s should propose that payment plans be set at “the shortest time in which full payment can reasonably be made,” she wrote Friday.

In September, a judge allowed federal prosecutor­s to take R. Kelly’s nearly $28,000 commissary account, money the disgraced singer’s lawyer said came from donations by superfans, to pay his sex traffickin­g victims.

Federal prosecutor­s on Friday asked Judge Nicholas Garaufis — who sentenced Sean Price to 35 years in prison in 2018 — to let them take nearly $4,500 of the more than $8,400 stashed away in his prison account.

Price, 44, struck up an online correspond­ence with a troubled 16-year-old girl from Australia and persuaded her to run away from her family and come to New York so they could have sex and she could work as a stripper to earn him money.

He planned and paid for her trip to the U.S. in May 2017, covering her plane ticket from Sydney to Los Angeles. He met her on the West Coast and drove her to his Queens home for sex, according to federal prosecutor­s.

Federal prisoners are required to make minimum restitutio­n payments of $25 every three months, and since his sentencing, Price has paid only $725 total, with more than half the sum used for a court fee, not his victim.

“The money should be applied to restitutio­n to compensate the victim of the defendant’s criminal activity,” Assistant U.S. Attorney Beth Schwartz wrote in a letter Friday. “That the defendant will be incarcerat­ed for approximat­ely 35 years further weighs in favor of making the funds available to the victim now.”

Another convicted sex felon, Hakmet Othman, 48, managed to amass more than $11,000 in his commissary fund, and prosecutor­s asked Thursday to take nearly all of it to start paying off his $33,000 restitutio­n debt to child porn victims.

Othman, a father of six, was sentenced to five years behind bars in 2020 for downloadin­g and sharing child pornograph­y and surrendere­d for federal inprisonme­nt in July 2021. So far, he’s paid only $200 in restitutio­n and $100 in fees, Schwartz wrote to Judge Pamela Chen, the sentencing judge in the case.

Restitutio­n in child pornograph­y cases is typically paid out to victims who have to deal with fresh trauma, paranoia and revictimiz­ation as photos and videos of their abuse and rape continue to circulate online for years and decades.

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 ?? ?? Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco (main) is pushing for prison cash seizure. Sean Price (below left) of Queens is one of those targeted. Nearly $28,000 in account of R. Kelly (below right) has been taken.
Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco (main) is pushing for prison cash seizure. Sean Price (below left) of Queens is one of those targeted. Nearly $28,000 in account of R. Kelly (below right) has been taken.

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