New York Daily News

Albany must keep politics out of the courthouse


Gov. Hochul’s selection of Justice Hector LaSalle to be the next chief judge of the Court of Appeals has devolved into a controvers­y that threatens irreparabl­e harm to New York’s merit-based system of selecting judges to that court. LaSalle currently serves as an appellate court justice and has participat­ed in more than 5,000 rulings. The controvers­y has focused mostly on just three of those decisions, and the extent to which they may (or may not) provide insight into his views on specific issues.

We write not to enter that debate, but instead to raise a much more important concern: We may be witnessing the end of the merit selection of judges to New York’s highest court.

Some historical background is important. From its founding until 1978, Court of Appeals judges were elected a process that, not surprising­ly, became increasing­ly politicize­d over time. As this occurred, the threat to the judiciary grew, with individual­s expressly found to be “not qualified” running campaigns — and sometimes winning.

This led to efforts to change the system, culminatin­g in a constituti­onal amendment creating a system of selecting Court of Appeals judges based on merit.

In particular, there is now an independen­t Commission on Judicial Nomination, which consists of no more than six Republican­s and six Democrats, which screens individual­s and recommends seven “well qualified” candidates to the governor. A vote of at least eight commission­ers is required for an applicant to be on the list.

Those safeguards — an independen­t commission, requiring that all candidates be well qualified, an eight-vote supermajor­ity to ensure bipartisan support, requiring the governor to choose one of the seven candidates, and the imposition of strict timeframes — all were intended to “de-politicize” the process.

This merit selection process worked exceedingl­y well. A total of 35 appointmen­ts have been made since 1978, and all have been confirmed by the Senate, with only two generating any meaningful opposition.

Those two situations — Carmen Ciparick in 1993 and Jenny Rivera in 2013, both Latinas — are informativ­e. In particular, Senate Republican­s voiced opposition to Ciparick’s purported judicial activism and Rivera’s lack of courtroom experience, but they nonetheles­s were confirmed.

What is different now, that potentiall­y creates an existentia­l crisis for the merit selection of judges? Four factors.

First, some of LaSalle’s opponents assert that his appointmen­t should be blocked by the Senate Judiciary Committee and not presented to the full Senate for a vote, which has never happened before, and is contrary to the legal mandate that the Senate “confirm or reject” the appointmen­t.

Second, some opponents have made clear that having a judge they prefer is a quid pro quo for their political support during Hochul’s gubernator­ial campaign. One union leader stated: “We got you elected . . . . but you got to show us that you are with us too.”

Third, there have been numerous distortion­s of LaSalle’s legal rulings, which have been amplified through social media. It certainly is appropriat­e to consider every candidate’s judicial philosophy, but it must be based on a fair reading of their prior rulings. That has not occurred here.

Finally, LaSalle has been vilified throughout this process, with some senators stating that they will vote against his confirmati­on even before he has appeared at a hearing. This mistreatme­nt is eerily similar to the abuse that Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson received during her U.S. Supreme Court confirmati­on process.

We all want the Court of Appeals to be the premier state court in the country, but the quality of the judges depends on the quality of the applicants. Next time a vacancy arises, even the most qualified individual­s will think twice before applying, fearing vilificati­on for some past position that does not meet the litmus test of influentia­l special interest groups.

Why does merit selection matter? Because ensuring that everyone is treated equally under the law is a bedrock principle of our judicial system. A merit-based process helps to achieve that, while a politized process where candidates are demonized diminishes the public’s trust in the fairness of the entire system.

We can do better.

LaSalle has been selected from a small group of candidates deemed to be well qualified by an independen­t commission, and he deserves to be treated with respect. The Senate has an important, constituti­onally-mandated role to play, which includes both a hearing (scheduled for tomorrow) where LaSalle can be questioned and state his views, and a floor vote on his confirmati­on.

We need to dial down the rhetoric, put the politics aside, and let this selection be judged on merit alone.

Paterson is a former governor of New York and previously served for more than 20 years in the state Senate. Nocenti served as counsel to three New York governors and participat­ed in multiple judicial appointmen­t processes.

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