New York Daily News

Show us those classified documents, Sen. Rubio says


Congress knows less than the press when it comes to classified documents found in the homes of President Biden, former President Donald Trump and ex-veep Mike Pence, leaders of the Senate Intelligen­ce Committee complained Sunday.

“There isn’t a day that goes by that there isn’t some media report about what was found where, some sort of characteri­zation of the material in the press,” Committee Chairman Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) moaned on CBS’ “Face the Nation.”

“Somehow the only people who are not allowed to know what was in there are congressio­nal oversight committees.”

Rubio has threatened to withhold funding from intelligen­ce agencies if they don’t brief his committee on the controvers­ial documents.

“I’d prefer not to go down that road. But it’s one of the pieces of leverage we have as Congress,” the senator said of his threat.

About a dozen classified documents were found in Pence’s Indiana home earlier this month, his attorney says.

It was the latest in a series of revelation­s about secret government papers where they shouldn’t be.

Last summer, the FBI raided Trump’s Mar-a-Lago, Fla., home to retrieve 33 boxes of documents.

Since November, “a small number” of classified docs have been found in a Washington office previously used by Biden and at his Delaware home.

Details of the papers are unknown, though Trump resisted handing them over. Biden and Pence say they’ve been quick to comply with authoritie­s.

“I don’t know how congressio­nal oversight on the documents, actually knowing what they are, in any way impedes an investigat­ion,” Rubio remarked. “These are probably materials we already have access to. We just don’t know which ones they are.”

Sen. Mark Warner of Virginia, the ranking Democrat on the Senate Intelligen­ce Committee, said there’s a problem in general with how top officials have been handling documents.

“We’ve had too many examples of this,” he said Sunday on “Face the Nation.”

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