New York Daily News

The GOP ignores voters choosing abortion access

- S.E. CUPP secuppdail­

As Ohio goes, so goes the nation.” That old chestnut has proven true in modern American elections more times than not. Since 1964, Ohio has chosen the winning president in every contest, whether Democrat or Republican — that is, except one. In 2020, Ohio voted for Donald Trump over Joe Biden, by eight points.

A new ballot issue, voted on just this week, could be a bellwether of things to come in 2024 — or, it could be a blip. But you best believe the Republican candidates running for President will be paying attention. Or, rather, they should be.

On Tuesday night, Ohio voters shot down a GOP proposal, known as Issue 1, which would have raised the minimum threshold of votes needed to amend the state constituti­on from a simple majority up to 60%.

This was both surprising and significan­t — it means that a proposed constituti­onal amendment to protect abortion rights is much more likely to pass in November, something Republican­s were trying to thwart.

The amendment would essentiall­y prohibit Ohio from intervenin­g in a woman’s abortion, contracept­ion, and fertility decisions, thus enshrining abortion rights in the state constituti­on.

Ohio’s resounding rejection of the GOP effort to make it easier to ban abortion echoes another state’s surprising rebel yell just last year. In July of 2022, Kansas voted against a constituti­onal amendment that would have declared abortion was not a right in that state, and would have given Kansas the power to prosecute people involved in abortions. The amendment was defeated by a whopping 18-point margin.

These two examples are perhaps anecdotal but no less significan­t. Ohio and Kansas are red states — Kansas voted for Trump 15 points over Biden in 2020, and Ohio voted for Trump twice, in 2016 and 2020.

But in Ohio, where the anti-abortion referendum failed, the loss is especially acute.

A USA Today and Suffolk University poll in July found that 58% of Ohio voters supported keeping abortion rights in the state constituti­on. That’s in a state that is more Christian than the rest of the country, whiter than the rest of the country, older than the rest of the country, and less educated than the rest of the country.

This should be a wake-up call for Republican­s, who are aiming to strip away abortion access all over the country, even where that is an unpopular thing to do.

Earlier this year in Florida, flailing 2024 presidenti­al candidate Gov. Ron DeSantis signed into law a bill that banned abortions after six weeks, despite a majority of Florida voters opposing abortion bans. It’s earned DeSantis the ire of fellow Republican­s, including South Carolina Rep. Nancy Mace, who called it a “non-starter.”

In Texas, after the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, a trigger law effectivel­y banned all abortions except in the case of saving the life of the mother. Despite Texas being a reliably conservati­ve state, 60% of voters there support access to abortion in all or most cases.

While most Americans still oppose abortion in the later months of pregnancy, support for legal abortion in the first three months shot to a record 69% in the wake of the Dobbs ruling.

The polls are clear, and have been since the inception of polling on abortion attitudes in America. Voters support legal abortion with some restrictio­ns, and that hasn’t changed since 1975.

But has anybody told that to Republican­s? Do they notice or care that their anti-abortion measures are unpopular and failing all over the country, even in red states?

Do candidates running for office, including the presidency, have a memory of the not-too-distant past in 2022, where abortion proved to be a massive turnout driver in the midterms, and an issue that persuaded those coveted swing voters to pour out to the polls?

Apparently not.

Former Ambassador Nikki Haley has said she’d support as strict a bill as Congress could pass.

Former Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson says he’d sign a federal 15-week abortion ban.

Former Vice President Mike Pence has said he favors a federal abortion ban with no exceptions.

South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott says he would “sign the most conservati­ve pro-life legislatio­n you can bring to my desk.”

If these are meant to be dog whistles to conservati­ve voters they’re having the opposite effect — alerting Democrats to the very real probabilit­y that a Republican president would limit abortion access even more than state legislatur­es already have.

It’s a risky strategy considerin­g where the country is on abortion. And that is firmly with Democrats.

Ohio Republican­s just learned that the hard way. When will the rest of the GOP?

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