New York Daily News

A better world depends on a Ukrainian victory


South Windsor, Conn.: The Ukrainian counteroff­ensive grinds on grinds on, and Ukraine’s future hangs in the balance along with the long-term security of Europe. Ukraine can’t give up any territory. Lives must be saved and Russia’s global malice must be brought to a halt. Here’s how: Kyiv must be permitted to fight the war to its end before peace is negotiated. Ukraine’s allies must understand that territoria­l concession­s by Ukraine, including Crimea, are off the table. Giving Russia additional land will only validate Moscow’s path to conflict. Ukraine must receive real security assurances. Membership in the EU and NATO are priorities. The West must overcome a fear of exacting a clear and decisive defeat on Russia. An outright defeat is less dangerous than Russian success or some vague end to the conflict.

Financial support for Ukraine is investing in European security. It is already producing major returns by neutralizi­ng the critical Russian threat. Western government­s should clarify to their citizens that the monetary value of weapons and equipment supplied to Ukraine do not represent new costs, but existing materials on hand. NATO should imperative­ly produce more weapons systems and munitions to keep up with usage in Ukraine.

Russia’s war crimes and atrocities can’t be ignored for the sake of settling with Moscow. Complete accountabi­lity is a must in order to prompt changes in Russia. Ukraine needs help with its huge caseload of war-related proceeding­s and the establishm­ent of a special tribunal for Russia’s crimes of aggression. It is vital that the free world understand and agree that the outcome of Russia’s war on Ukraine is a key factor of its own future safety and security.

Ihor N. Stelmach

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