New York Daily News


For Sunday, December 24


Being our most productive selves is easier than usual today. The Moon in steady Taurus starts out with a trine to alchemical Pluto in Capricorn, helping us draw upon our deepest energy sources. The Moon then enters chatty Gemini and squares Saturn in Pisces, forcing us to get more serious. Happily, the Sun in Capricorn will then sextile Saturn, so we can use all these vibrations to our benefit. Long-term thinking will be the most useful kind.


MARCH 2 1 -APRIL 1 9

Rest assured that you know best. Your intuition may seem stronger and louder than usual, and you could have an important epiphany or two, possibly related to your work or other goals. Don’t question this profound sense of assurance and understand­ing. You know exactly what you are doing.


APRIL 2 0 -MAY 2 0

Your support systems can boost you up in the world. Your membership to a special club or other group could come in handy, especially when it secures you a wonderful new opportunit­y. If you’re looking to expand your horizons, turn to the people in your network — they may have some surprising suggestion­s!


MAY 2 1 -JUNE 2 0

It’s time to be rewarded for all your efforts. The skies are pulsating with positive vibes, so it will come as no surprise if all your time and dedication pays off with a rather nice bonus of one kind or another. If you’ve been giving it your all, you could finally see some wonderful results. You deserve it.


JUNE 2 1 -JULY 2 2 One person is all it takes to change your perspectiv­e. It’s likely that a partner will be the catalyst for a new experience that opens your eyes up to possibilit­y, but this may feel quite fated, like you were always meant to have this experience. Don’t allow it to pass you by.


JULY 2 3 -AUG. 2 2

It’s not your imaginatio­n if everything feels more intense. You may feel like you’re being put through the ringer for someone else’s kicks, but rest assured: This will actually work out in your favor. It’s not always fun to run the race, but it’s certainly fun to reach the finish line.


AUG. 2 3 -SEPT. 2 2

It’s tempting to throw caution to the wind at a time like this. Sometimes the wind takes you to spectacula­r places. Don’t let someone have too much sway over your own satisfacti­on, or you may feel like you’re giving up your autonomy. Remember: You are in charge of your own happiness. Grab life by the horns.


SEPT. 2 3 -OCT. 2 2

Getting organized is easy when you put your mind to it.

This energy will spur you on to be your most efficient self, checking off one thing after another on your to-do list. This energy is rare, but you can really make a lot of it if you try, so don’t sit back and let laziness overtake you.


OCT. 2 3 -NOV. 2 1

Creativity and productivi­ty can be one and the same.

The smallest interactio­n, even a 1 0 -second chat with a stranger, could inspire a spark of curiosity that carries you along for years to come. Be true to your ideals, and whatever you come up with will be wonderful.


NOV. 2 2 -DEC. 2 1

A bit of necessary spending may be required today. However, the angle between the Sun and Saturn is a positive one, so you could also make some wise investment­s in your own space, maybe with renovation­s or remodeling. Consider your options carefully — and spend even more carefully.


DEC. 2 2 -JAN. 1 9 Your words carry extra weight right now. This is especially helpful for any important conversati­ons or deals that need to be hammered out.

You should be able to present your views with clarity. You can also make major headway on any writing projects. Let the words flow.


JAN. 2 0 -FEB. 1 8

Your daydreams are not worthless. It’s easy for your mind to wander. Life will present you with sturdy options. You never know what you’ll come up with until you allow yourself to try, so open your mind up and see what eureka moments await when you stop pushing.


FEB. 1 9 -MARCH 2 0

Self-control isn’t a dirty word.

You might feel like you have to play the adult in every situation. Some people around you just might not have their affairs in order, inspiring you to be disclipine­d, There’s a fine line between being mature and being too serious or controllin­g, so make sure you aren’t overdoing it in the pursuit of being your best self.

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