New York Daily News

Like it or not, they’re here and they need help

Please include full name, address and daytime phone number. The Daily News reserves the right to edit letters.


Rockaway: I’m among the protesters opposed to housing migrants at Floyd Bennett Field. It’s not because I am afraid of them, but because the problems they face are exacerbate­d by being located in such isolation. Far from being in a Republican neighborho­od, they are miles from the nearest houses and retail stores. Also far from these poor families are any opportunit­ies, as they are not allowed to work legally.

Even as I oppose the policies and realities that brought them here, I’m appalled at the reception they have had by some of the local population — on the eve of the celebratio­n of the birth of a prophet who espoused welcoming the stranger (who, in his humble beginnings, he represents).

The Christmas Eve edition of the Daily News carried an article focused on the intoleranc­e they’ve received (“Stone-cold weather and neighbors in Brooklyn,” Dec. 24). I would like to point out the faith, hope and charity of my neighbors (and theirs) in the Rockaways who daily bring the bare necessitie­s for life in this season of darkness.

I urge you to bring whatever you can to help. Strollers, backpacks and suitcases, cold-weather clothing and, in the spirit of the season, toys for the children.

Come see for yourself. Fulfill your obligation to both yourself and society, bring supplies to the Ryan Visitor Center and greet those who, in generation­s past, would have been our ancestors. Scott Nagel

Unverified info?

Brooklyn: Your article omits some of the most important facts concerning the situation at Floyd Bennett Field. You cite random incidents of nastiness and tie them to the local residents without any facts. Who spit on a child? Who blocked a seat on the Q35? Not likely to be one of the local residents. And Donald Trump figures into this story how? He’s not the president. Why not try some honest journalism?

John Flynn

According to law

Brooklyn: This recent influx of migrants has imposed significan­t economic burdens on New York City. It has heightened pressure on social services and resources, intensifie­d job market competitio­n and led to increased government spending, ultimately resulting in higher taxes for residents. I do not advocate for a complete ban on migrants. I recognize that they contribute to cultural diversity and workforce augmentati­on. However, I oppose the current arbitrary entry system. The solution lies in bolstering border control, educating and advocating to enhance understand­ing of legal and illegal immigratio­n, and emphasizin­g the importance of compliance with laws and regulation­s. Moreover, I support reinforced enforcemen­t and repatriati­on procedures.

ShiLang Feng

Timing is everything

Brooklyn: I recommend readers get an Antonki-brand timer on Amazon to be more productive.

You can buy a two-pack for only $8. It can also help you make larger tasks into smaller pieces and thus easier to accomplish. Your friends and family would also really appreciate such a gift.

Shlomo Klein

Harsh realities

Brooklyn: Voicer Anitta Santiago feels that as an armchair general, she can recognize transgress­ions in war and cure them with a sit-down. There is no history of belief in negotiatio­ns or the value of peace in the Palestinia­n history. Hamas doesn’t fight according to internatio­nal law. Photos of bloodied Gazan children disgust good-hearted Americans. Civilians always get killed in war. As to dreaming that Gazans can return to their homes, the war has turned the Strip into Dresden. An internatio­nal effort will be needed to rebuild. Perhaps Gazans will be offered work on this once their families are settled elsewhere. That will be difficult. Almost no country wants to house the Palestinia­ns because of their extremism. Dianne Stillman

Regime change

Bayonne: Perhaps the poor, suffering innocents in Gaza should pick a government that does not include the eradicatio­n of Israelis as a fundamenta­l belief.

W. Bannon

Victims out of view

Bedford, N.Y.: I appreciate your story about the 20,000 people killed in Gaza in the past eight weeks, but couldn’t you find any of their pictures? You opted instead to include a picture of a funeral of an IDF soldier who may or may not have had a hand in their deaths? The number of Palestinia­n children killed since Oct. 7 is more than the total number of Israeli civilians killed since 1948. UNICEF has called this conflict the “War on Children” for a reason.

Céline Secada

People are talking

Midland Park, N.J.: Voicer C. D’onofrio writes regarding the absence of gossip pages in the Daily News and must not read The News on Sundays. That is where Richard Johnson’s excellent two-page gossip column appears. My late boss, Liz Smith, wrote a daily gossip column for this paper from 1976 until 1991. I do miss (and wish for) reading a gossip column in the daily newspaper. If only I could convince her stalwart, brilliant, extraordin­ary, partner in writing, Denis Ferrara, to come out of retirement, my wish might be granted! Mary Jo McDonough

Standout misstateme­nts

Manhattan: I propose an honorary “Bob Pascarella Award for Political Delusions” to the Voicer who best exemplifie­s Bob’s detachment from reality when it comes to right-wing political opinions. Those of us, including myself, who have been criticized by him for our letters take it as a badge of honor, similar to being on Nixon’s enemies list (yes, I’m old enough to remember Nixon). For the first recipient, I would like to nominate Voicer Fred Schoenebor­n. First, he attacked

President Biden for being “involved in bribery, extortion and influence-peddling” for which there is zero evidence. Then he said, “Trump doesn’t control the Republican Party and never did,” for which there is voluminous evidence — if Fred actually bothered to read the Daily News. Alec Pruchnicki

Open to all

Hillsdale, N.Y.: A Voicer recently said that Donald Trump will never be reelected president. I beg to differ. Judging by the way the U.S. is managed and heading downward, even that Voicer has an excellent chance. Phil Antico

Uninformed ideas

Brooklyn: Voicer Dan Arthur Pryor should get educated re Planned Parenthood before he spouts lies and slanders this vital and often life-saving organizati­on. Since 1916, it has provided support, counseling, assistance and advice on women’s health and family planning. Contrary to being what Pryor calls an “abortion colossus,” Planned Parenthood does not promote abortion. In fact, they counsel at length to ensure the woman is making the right decision for her — a decision, by the way, that is hers alone. They are one of the few organizati­ons that truly support a woman’s right to personal choice and health care. And yes, they offer assistance re adoption, financial support should they decide to keep the child and help navigating the system to access assistance no matter the decision. Mr. Pryor, when you are better educated or grow a uterus, then you have a right to speak out on this. Until then, our bodies, our choice! Susan Cassano

Reparation­s for who?

Yonkers: With their latest effort to further divide an already riven electorate, the race hucksters of the far-left Democrats who control New York politics now assault the populace with the repugnant issue of reparation­s. State Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins, Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie et al continue on their parlous path to make every decision in the Legislatur­e based on race. Joining this flagitious coterie, of course, is the malefic Al Sharpton, who has done more to extirpate racial harmony in this country than anyone else in the last 40 years. Where in their plan are the reparation­s for the soldiers who died freeing the slaves in the Civil War, 90% of whom were white? This effort is a farce and exemplifie­s what the Democratic Party now embodies: grievance, division and dependency. What a disgrace. James McCaffrey

Hope for healing

Astoria: Exploiting human fears using bullying tactics, smear campaigns, divisive language and hate of “the other” are marks of laziness and downright cruelty! My hope is that compassion­ate and wise leaders emerge and that our humanity prevails, so that we can all dwell together in love, peace and harmony with each other and with nature, and find new ways to appreciate each other and planet Earth. Happy holidays and a peaceful 2024 to everyone. Karen N. Pearlman


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