New York Magazine



HEATHER CULTON, Boaz Studios, 28 E. 72nd St.; heathercul­ton

designer Ronny Kobo first heard about Heather Culton from two model friends who trained with Culton before swimsuit photo shoots—a rather convincing endorsemen­t. That was 12 years ago, and Kobo has been training with her ever since. Culton integrates Pilates, yoga, and ballet movements for a full-body workout that’s more about proper alignment and posture than frenetic heartpumpi­ng cardio. “She’s a dancer, so this is a dancer’s workout,” says Kobo. “Her workouts are relaxing.” Culton typically sees clients at Boaz Studios, a personaltr­aining gym on the Upper East Side, but now also does sessions over Zoom (prices start at $200 per session).

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