New York Magazine

The National Interest

Biden’s FDR-size strategy

- By Jonathan Chait

harry hopkins, a close adviser to Franklin D. Roosevelt, is said to have summarized the administra­tion’s political strategy like so: “We shall tax and tax, and spend and spend, and elect and elect.” It worked quite well for the Democrats well past FDR’s time. But around the mid-1960s, as the taxes began to bite into middle-class wallets and many white voters came to see the spending as benefiting people who didn’t look like them, the formula stopped working. At some point, “tax and spend” became a hackneyed insult of the Democratic agenda, with the third part— “elect”—dropped from the mantra.

Biden’s ambition for an FDR-size presidency died on November 3, when the election delivered a narrow governing margin in Congress that seemed to bode a Clinton- or Carter-size presidency instead. But the goal of an FDR-style presidency—shaped along the same contours, though smaller in scale—remains very much alive. That ambition came into its clearest view on July 13, when

Senate Democrats announced their more or less unified support for a huge, sweeping domestic-spending package. It would come in at roughly $3.5 trillion minus the normal congressio­nal haggling down of the price. Tax, spend, elect.

The precise contents of the bill have yet to take final form. In general, though, it will include a clean-electricit­y standard and deployment of green technology, expansions for Medicaid and Medicare, subsidies for child care and community college, and a $300-per-month child tax credit. It will, in other words, be a big climate plan, a big health-care plan, a big education plan, and a big social-policy plan wrapped in a single package. At first blush, the sheer size of the bill may appear to be a political liability— how does Biden get every single Democratic senator, and almost every single House Democrat, to vote for the same thing, especially when the most moderate members are afraid to be seen as too liberal?

As it turns out, the sheer size creates a kind of protection by reducing Biden’s agenda to a single vote. Some moderate Democrats from conservati­ve states or districts may wish to position themselves to the administra­tion’s right, but none of them can afford to let Biden’s presidency come crashing down in Congress. Perhaps the most important clue to the president’s fate came from Joe Manchin, the most conservati­ve Democrat in the Senate, who said in January, “We’re going to make Joe Biden successful.” The worst possible outcome for any Democrats—the opening that will let the Republican Party back into power— would be for their party to be seen as having failed at governing. They can and will negotiate the parameters, but the only leverage they hold is mutually assured destructio­n.

Democratic moderates traditiona­lly worry that their party will overreach and alienate the conservati­ve-leaning voters they need. That fear is not irrational. There are plenty of elements of the Democratic program that don’t play in Peoria. This is especially true of the left-wing rhetoric that conservati­ves are so skillful at plucking out of progressiv­e hothouses and introducin­g into the national media. But the Democratic megabill ought to be able to steer clear of the culture wars (though Republican­s will try very hard to stoke them anyway). Its primary ambitions are concrete benefits for broad constituen­cies: enhanced payments for families with children, and expanded Medicare benefits covering dental, hearing, and vision. One poll found that the expanded Medicare package commanded the support of 83 percent of the public.

Building a bill out of popular elements does not guarantee people will like it. The

Affordable Care Act provides the classic cautionary tale: Even though nearly every single element in it received strong public support, most Americans said they opposed “Obamacare,” which came to signify in the public mind something different and scarier than its components. One reason is that months and months of fruitless negotiatio­ns gave the impression that the program was a mess. Another is that Congress built in a several years’ delay for the law’s main functions to start working. Obamacare eventually did win majority support but only after Republican­s tried to abolish it.

Democrats in Congress appear to have learned the lesson. They are not bothering to engage in Potemkin negotiatio­ns with Republican­s whose only goal is to take up time and gum up the works. Nor will they make the mistake of letting years pass before voters taste the fruits of Congress’s labor. The checks to parents, the first year of which was seeded in Biden’s quickly passed pandemic rescue bill in March, are already going out the door. The Medicare benefits ought to begin swiftly enough for Democrats to actually have something to run on in the midterm elections.

The right will complain about Democrats jamming through a huge expansion in government. But the source of its panic is not that the public rejects these proposals. Biden’s spending will “be popular with a large group of Americans,” complains an editor at the conservati­ve Washington Times. His policies “will be politicall­y impossible to reform or repeal,” predicts The Wall Street Journal’s editorial page. Republican­s are unnerved by Biden’s proposals precisely because they suspect Americans will like them.

The beauty part of the deal, parts of which must be fully paid for under parliament­ary rules, is that Democrats can finance all these goodies exclusivel­y by

Democrats will negotiate the bill’s parameters, but the only leverage they hold is mutual destructio­n.

raising taxes on the rich. This reflects a structural reality of American politics and the economy: Because the rich have gained so much wealth over the past generation, and because Republican­s have worked so maniacally to reduce their taxes, there’s a ton of money waiting to be claimed simply by taxing them at reasonable levels.

Biden campaigned on a plan to raise $4 trillion over the next decade by taxing corporatio­ns, heirs, and households earning $400,000 a year or more. Not only do serious center-left economists think he can do this without creating a significan­t economic drag—so do serious center-right economists. Republican economist Douglas Holtz-Eakin calculates that Biden’s tax hikes will shave a minuscule 0.2 percent off GDP over the long run. The American Enterprise Institute pegs the economic cost slightly lower. That is a tiny, almost impercepti­ble cost to growth when measured against the enormous social and economic benefits of the healthier, better-educated, and less-polluted economy it would finance.

The political opportunit­y this presents Democrats is irresistib­le: They can shower benefits on 99 percent of the public and offload the cost onto one percent. The only catch is that the one percent hold disproport­ionate sway—not only with Republican­s, who categorica­lly refuse to raise their taxes for any reason, but to a degree among Democratic moderates, who have made fretful noises about the dangers of taxing corporatio­ns too heavily. Since every dollar in social spending has to be paid for with a dollar in new taxes on the rich, the size of the final Democratic bill will boil down to moderates listening to the economists and pollsters and not the guy in the polo shirt who sidled up to them at their last fundraiser to whine about the capital-gains tax.

The final, and perhaps most powerful, centripeta­l force holding together the Democrats is Donald Trump. The self-styled president-in-exile looms over everything they do. As they make use of their narrow window to govern, he is laying the groundwork for a possible second run.

The best defense they have against a repeat Trump challenge (backed by a more uniformly anti-democratic Republican Party) is a popular and successful Biden presidency. That objective is lurking in Biden’s mind when he invokes Roosevelt. FDR remade the government’s role, but his purpose in doing so was to preserve capitalism and democracy from radical threats. Against Trump’s campaign of confusion and hate, Biden’s party can offer concrete material benefits. Capitalism may not require saving at the moment, but democracy does.

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