New York Post

O, look out! It’s your other rivals

NY unknowns join the prez race


Tippecanoe — and who are you?

Not thrilled with Obama, Romney or Santorum? No problem! Eleven New Yorkers also are making a run at the White House, filings with the Federal Elections Commission show.

The stealth candidates include a one-time rapper, an ex-correction officer and even a former president — of the student body of Long Island University.

“Everyone knows cigarettes kill and cause cancer, and I want to use the power of my running for president to get the word out,” Queens candidate Ronald Marullo, 52, told The Post.

Marullo, currently unemployed, has another motivation as well — gaining a first lady.

If he can find the right vice-presidenti­al candidate, “I am open to marrying her,” he admitted.

Like Teddy Roosevelt, Brooklyn’s Michael “Kid Mikey” Dename Jr. says the United States should speak softly and carry a big stick.

“I think we should throw Castro in the pool and open up Cuba to tourism,” said Dename, 42, an exrapper and DJ.

Libertaria­n Carl Person, 75, boasts that he invented the paralegal field in 1972.

The Harvard- trained lawyer was LIU’S studentbod­y president in 1958-59 and says he has a formula to create 20 million jobs.

“My ideas are powerful because they’re natural,” he said.

So far, 10 White House wannabes who submitted statements of candidacy to the FEC are based in New York City, with an 11th on Long Island.

It doesn’t cost anything to express interest — but actually getting on the ballot will be tricky. The Constituti­on doesn’t mandate one presidenti­al ballot, so individual states must decide the process.

In New York, Democrats and Republican­s choose a nationally known candidate who needs to file a petition with at least 5,000 signatures from across the state. Independen­ts and other parties need to col- lect 15,000 signatures statewide, said John Conklin, a spokesman with the state Board of Elections.

Two of the more famous members of the bunch are ex-mailman Jimmy McMillan, 65, who has tweaked his “rent is too damn high” gubernator­ial slogan to “the deficit is too damn high,” and Andy Martin, 66, the lawyer who first demanded the release of President Obama’s birth certificat­e.

“I’m a guy that’s conservati­ve but wants to live and let live — spend less and tax less but do it with a smile,” said Martin, a Republican who has raised about $5,000 for his New York-based campaign.

Luis Alberto Ramos Jr., a Democrat from Flushing, Queens, said he has found inspiratio­n in Knick stud Jeremy Lin.

“He made it, and I’m going to be next,” said Ramos, 51, an amateur featherwei­ght boxer who works for the Navy. “If I make it, I’m willing to cut my salary in half and use the money to pay for job creation.”

But not everyone is going to hit the campaign trail.

“It was a goof. I have no platform and no political agenda,” admitted Lowell Goldberg, 64, a former hospital administra­tor from Brooklyn who signed up just to see if he could.

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