New York Post

Scene queen can’t escape life of drama

Subkoff survives brain tumor


SHE was the “It girl” of the late ’90s, an Edie Sedgwick-like Manhattan party fixture and budding actress palling around with friends like Chloë Sevigny, Scarlett Johansson and Natasha Lyonne.

Her three-year relationsh­ip with director Wes Anderson was said to be the inspiratio­n for the “Hotel Chevalier” short, starring Natalie Portman, that accompanie­d his 2007 film “The Darjeeling Limited.”

Then Tara Subkoff changed careers, co-founding the edgy clothes line Imitation of Christ, and became an overnight icon known for her guerilla-style fashion shows, which were at least as much performanc­e art as they were about her refashione­d, hand-sewn vintage clothes.

The pixieish blonde relished her reputation as the provocateu­r fashionist­a, who once made editors walk the runway while the models sat on the sidelines jotting down notes.

Then it all went wrong.

In 2009, Subkoff was diagnosed with a golf-ball-sized brain tumor. The high-risk craniotomy to remove the growing tumor left her deaf in her right ear and with a dead balance nerve (she still experience­s vertigo) — all of which she says could have been avoided if she hadn’t been misdiagnos­ed for six years as nothing but a neurotic New Yorker suffering pounding headaches.

Last year, a recuperate­d and more spiritual Subkoff was finally back on the scene in a big way, beaming at the biggest industry party of the year — she was on the arm of “King’s Speech” director Tom Hooper, 39, after he took home the Oscar for Best Director.

The power couple, who met at the Golden Globes, appeared to be settling down together after getting engaged in Paris last May.

But in January, Hooper broke off their engagement just days before Subkoff found out she was pregnant with their first child.

Friends said the former party girl was “distraught” about the end of the relationsh­ip and the ex-couple is trying to figure out how to move forward.

“Being a survivor teaches you that time is precious,” Subkoff told The Post recently over scrambled eggs and herbal tea. “The past three years have definitely been an interestin­g ride.”

SUBKOFF — whose dad owned an antique store on 13th Street and whose mother taught kindergart­en in East Harlem — attended boarding school in Massachuse­tts.

In college, she dropped out of art school after one year to study acting in Los Angeles.

“I was fascinated with being a character actress,” she said of her early goals. Fellow aspiring thespians in her first acting class in 1992 included then-unknowns Keanu Reeves and Angelina Jolie, who co-starred with Subkoff in a short film.

“I played the ugly cousin, and [Angelina] was the pretty one,” Subkoff

 ??  ?? ‘HEY!’ LIST: Tara Subkoff with then-beau Wes Anderson in 2004, Scarlett Johansson in ’03 and Chloë Sevigny last year.
‘HEY!’ LIST: Tara Subkoff with then-beau Wes Anderson in 2004, Scarlett Johansson in ’03 and Chloë Sevigny last year.

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